Train Your Dragon: How To Train A Dragon

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Everyone has heard about how to train your dog but how about training your dragon? I’m going to show you the multiple, yet easy steps in how to train your dragon. In this first example you are going to learn how to train your dragon to use the dog door. You must first start off with observational learning. Observational learning occurs when an observers behavior changes after viewing the behavior of a model. You first need to get your dragons attention and make sure he’s only focusing on you. Once you have gained his attention walk up to the dog door and simply crawl through it. Make sure your dragon watches you do this multiple times. Not only does your dragon need to gain attention of what you 're doing, he also needs to have retention in …show more content…

Make sure the door is the perfect size for him to fit through without feeling stuck or squished. Now, you must give him the motivation to do so and make it fun for your dragon. Each time he approaches the dog door give him a treat and reward him, then be on the other side waiting for him and cheering him on to come through. Once your dragon makes it through the dog door be sure to rewards him again with praise and treats. After he has done it several times and gotten the hang of it try doing it without treats and just praise, this may take a while due to a dragons stubborn behavior, but with continuous repetition your dragon will be using the dog door at the appropriate times and it will become second nature to him. Just be sure to use the four most important steps, attention, retention, reproduction, and …show more content…

I know how hard it can be to get up but, if you have a very loud dragon roaring for you to wake up, you will. We are going to train him with a different approach this time, that approach being classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired. To help out with this process we are going to use an onion to our advantage. Since dragons naturally roar at the smell of onions we are going to use the onion as our unconditioned stimulus and his roar at the smell of them our unconditioned response. A conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus, that after becoming associated with an unconditioned stimulus(the smell of an onion and the alarm), eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response(Roaring). You are going to grab some onions and place them in front of the dragon so he can smell them, this will react as the unconditioned stimulus. As you place the onions near him, the smell will cause him to roar creating the unconditioned response. You will then grab your alarm clock and make the sound go off, your alarm is acting as the neutral stimulus. As a result of the a alarm going off there is not a single peep from the dragon creating another unconditioned response. While you are trying to condition your dragon with the sound of the alarm add the unconditioned stimulus (onions) and you will then hear your dragon

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