Tough Love Analysis

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How has the city of New York influenced your writing on Tough Love and the characters? I would say New York has influenced my writing as far as straight forward and aggressive people. I would also say I am from LA, originally from South Central LA, and they have a very forward and aggressive way about them so I found a combination of the two. That’s what these characters are, they are totally real. I’, pretty much like that as well. I don’t like to hold back. I like to say straight up how I feel. The characters are very intricate and detailed. Are they based on anyone? Are they based off of you and any past relationships you’ve had? It’s actually a combination. It’s a combination of people in my life, close friends, and family members as well as TV shows and movies. I draw inspiration from everything even my own situation. The characters in the Tough Love web series are named after different characters from popular black movies. The characters don’t relate but I took the names from there. It is fictional but it’s really not, it’s based off of true events. Through your previous dating experiences throughout the years up until now which character were you at certain moments? Were you all these women? …show more content…

I’m really not the person for small talk, so I love talking about real issues, real things that are going on, and I get really passionate. I wanted to show these friends not just sitting around talking about fluff and nonsense. I want to show them actually digging deep into real issues, real things that are going on, and a lot of times you see a lot of people, especially in the black community, will be on completely different sides of the sector as far as their ideas. You’ll see what I didn’t do in this series, when we talked about the Bill Cosby issue, I didn’t just focus on if ‘he did it’ and I didn’t just say oh ‘he didn’t do it’, I tried to keep it really

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