Most Common Questions about Caring for Trees in Fall
As the cooler air sweeps in, trees put on their best show of the year. Seemingly overnight, our front yards and parks appear as though they were magnificently painted. Gone are the glossy green leaves. Now, quintessential fall colors–like bronzy burnt oranges, fiery scarlet reds and rich golden yellows–stretch as far as the eye can see.
In awe, we ask, “Why do leaves change color in the fall?” Once we have that answer, we’re eager to learn more.
Below, you’ll find common questions we answered this fall about caring for your trees.
Top Tree Care Questions and Answers in Fall
Questions about tree health and lawn care in fall
• Why are my trees losing leaves in August or early fall?
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You’ve spotted branches dying on your maple tree, small leaves and early fall color. Now, you’re wondering, “Is my maple tree dying?” Chances are it’s just stressed and needs a little TLC.
• Why is my evergreen tree dying from the bottom up? Can I save it?
There are three main reasons evergreen trees, like pine and spruce, beginning turning brown on the bottom. See which one is plaguing your tree and learn the best solution.
• How can I tell if the soil around my trees is compacted?
This is one of the biggest problems for trees! When they grow in compacted soil, trees struggle to intake water and nutrients, which leads to slow growth. Luckily, you can fix it!
• How do I get toilet paper out of trees?
If you got this Halloween trick, you want to act fast. Leaving toilet paper (TP) in trees for too long can create an even bigger mess. Here’s how to safely remove TP from tall
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How do I get rid of them?
If you can believe it, spiders don’t make those creepy webs in trees. Fall webworms do. Their webs don’t hurt trees, but you probably want to remove them to improve your tree’s look.
• What do I do about mushrooms growing at the base of my tree?
First thing’s first, check if it is this notorious, harmful mushroom, called honey fungus. Here’s how to identify honey fungus and manage it.
Questions about planting trees in fall
• When is the best time of year to plant a tree? What about evergreens, maples and fruit trees?
Generally, fall is the best time of year to plant trees. Though some fall months are better than others, and some trees prefer being planted in spring.
• When is it too late in fall to plant trees?
Generally, you can plant trees anytime from mid-August to mid-October. Though, if you want to plant later than that, try this trick first.
• What can I do to make my backyard more private? What trees should I plant?
If you want to plant your new garden design in spring, start planning in fall or winter. Click for a few ideas on how to make your yard more private along with a list of trees and shrubs we
Poulson, T. L., & Platt, W. J. (1996). Replacement patterns of beech and sugar maple in Warren Woods, Michigan. Ecology, 1234-1253.
These are very difficult questions for me personally to answer because I live in the Pacific Northwest, and I have seen the beauty of the old growth forests first-hand.
get more wrinkled and cracked as the years go by. The tree can be looked upon as something not that
Tolar, T. (2013). How to Start Evergrees From Seeds. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from eHow:
Mr. McGann from the forestry service told reporters that pine forests had become choked with underbr...
Redwoods were named for the color of their bark and heartwood. These trees have a high resistance to fungus and diseases due to the high tanin content in the wood. The dense, fibrous bark has an even higher content, and acts as an insulator from periodic fires which have plagued the countryside for centuries. Though these trees are immense, they have delicate foliage. The needles are narrow and sharp-pointed, and combine to form feathery sprays. The cones are an inch long and typically contain fourteen to twenty-four seeds. The older trees offspring sprout form their parents' roots in order to take advantage of the established root system.
The life cycle of a pecan tree has four main components: germination, rooting, sprouting and lifespan and reproduction. The many different elements of the pecan tree life cycle contribute to the growth and development of the pecan trees we see today. The life cycle of a pecan tree has many different elements. The cycle begins with the spreading and germination of seeds. Mature pecan trees produce and drop thousands of seeds to the ground during the fall season. Dispersal of these seeds may be through the water, wind or animals but wind will end up pollinating the seeds. Pecan tree seeds lay dormant throughout the winter and will begin the growth process in the spring. The seeds require an adequate amount of warmth and rain throughout the winter and early spring months. Once the germination process has finished, the seed...
Many old-growth forests across the landscape of northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan contain a mixture of tree species rather than a monoculture. Many researchers have put forward ideas to explain the competition and co-existence of tree species in such communities. A theory explaining competition and co-existence between two species is gap regeneration. Gap regeneration is when a gap is created upon death of a plant individual and a new individual, sometimes of the same species as died and sometimes not dependent on environmental heterogeneity, takes its place (Kenneth Lertzman). Canopy gaps during gap regeneration can be explained by either reciprocal replacement or habitat preference . In a reciprocal replacement, seedlings of one species would be found predominately under large trees ...
Not only maple trees have been tapped for syrup. The Birch and Elm trees have been used for syrup, but the maples produce a much sweeter sap than any other tree. "What is more peculiar is that the sap, unlike nectar, does not come from the leaves (they
Fall and winter both start to change temperatures and it begins to get a lot colder. Fall is better than winter and spring because in the winter you get runny noses and in the spring the pollen would stop up your nose. Fall is better than any other season because you can go squirrel hunting and deer hunting. Fall is the best season because of Thanksgiving too. Family’s get to get together and eat turkey and dressing. There are football games outside and the temperature is just right so your hands will not fall off.
Franklin, J. F., et al. (1981). In Ecological Characteristics of Old-Grow Douglas Fir Forest, (GTR PNW-118). Retrieved July 9, 2005, from USDA Forest Service Web Site: http://
II.Main Point: Trees play an important role in the life of birds and animals.It is natural that wherever trees are planted, wildlife and other plants are sure to follow.
Trees are terrific. They cover the world and provide air and beauty for all to enjoy. Yes indeed trees are terrific. There are many uses for trees and their byproducts. Everywhere we look there are trees or some kind of shrub that always give us something to look at.
Zobel BZ and Talbert JT. 1984. Applied Forest Tree Improvement. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Trees are usually considered as bland, unusual objects that are usually taken for granted; however, I believe there is more to a tree that meets the eye. They supply oxygen and shade. During the holidays, trees are able to spread holiday cheer by wearing holiday decorations. Through providing, they are always beneficial to the needs of others. Rather than having striking beauty like a flower, trees have are grounded and possess a gentle beauty; they are adapted wildflowers to their environment. In fact, if I had to compare myself to an inanimate object, I would choose a tree. A tree has many characteristics in common with me. Characteristics like relying on our roots, strength and observation, and helping others and leaving behind a powerful legacy are a few of the traits we share. All of which I believe are admirable qualities to possess.