To Kill A Mockingbird Part 2 Summary

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Part 2 of “To Kill A Mockingbird’ commences when Atticus is called for a state legislature meeting which will cause him to leave home immediately. Once Saturday has arrived without Atticus arriving back, Calpurnia, the African-American housekeeper, is perplexed about what to do with Scout and Jem at church. Finally, a decision was made for them to attend her church where some do not welcome them due to racial segregation. There they start to gain insight in the Tom Robinson case. While questions were being asked and answered by Calpurnia, Jem spots an unidentified car which seemingly belongs to Aunt Alexandra. Once Atticus returns, he explains that she will be staying with them for a while and will be a good influence for the children. Aunt …show more content…

Dill miraculously appeared under Scout’s bed saying he ran away, because he was not wanted by his parents. A decision ,with much pleading, was arranged, so Dill will be able to spend the rest of the summer at Maycomb. Nonetheless, the good news did not last for long. Atticus is spotted enigmatically leaving his house at night. Jem inquisitively pursues him allowing Scout and Dill to follow. Once catching up to him, they realize he is sitting outside the jailhouse, and as they are just about to leave, a mob arrives! The mob planned to kill Tom without a trial and without the truth coming out. However, Scout identifies someone and manages to convince the crowd to dissipate. The next day, though, was the anticipated trial. The children managed to sneak into the courtroom and awaited in the black balcony. The witnesses for the trial were Heck Tate, the sheriff, Mayella Ewell, the woman who was raped, and Robert Ewell, Mayella’s father, and Tom, the defendant. Heck Tate had recalled that Mayella’s right eye was black. Robert Ewell agreed with that statement, but not before he embarrassed himself in front of the entire town and proved he was left handed. Mayella Ewell also agreed yet started to cry on the stand. Last but not least Tom came on the stand. Then, people noticed that his left arm is crippled, so it would have been unlikely that he would Mayella on her right

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