To Kill A Mockingbird Justice Essay

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What is justice in the average human's mind. Justice is known to as, “the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness”. Moreover, what might the average person define justice as? Is it fairness or veracity, maybe it’s putting criminals in jail for immoral behaviour or it means a fair trial. Justice encompasses all of these things. In To Kill a Mockingbird and The Merchant of Venice justice is defined distinctly in diverse ways that can open a person’s eyes to it if they focus their vision through one of the character’s perspectives. When looking through a character’s eyes one must examine someone’s background hence absorbing their perspective and understanding their opinion. In To Kill a Mockingbird, …show more content…

“Guilty...guilty ...guilty...guilty…” (Lee, 282) said Judge Taylor as he was polling the jury. Tom Robinson’s conviction on little to no evidence for being a black man in the early 1930s, without a doubt, is unjust in the eyes of the enlightened people of today. “Thomas Robinson reached around, ran his fingers under his left arm and lifted it. He guided his arm to the Bible and his rubber-like left hand sought contact with the black binding. As he raised his right hand, the useless one slipped off the Bible and hit the clerk’s table” (Lee, 254). Tom, as a child was maimed by a cotton gin giving him no use of his left arm. Therefore, it would be near impossible for Tom to cause any pain to Mayella. Looking through the eyes of Tom Robinson one can see many antagonists. Black men and women alike received little respect from the vast majority of people in the deep south. He, however, respects many people, including the Ewells, whom he helped many times, namely Mayella. He helped her with many chores such as busting up a chiffarobe and fixing many things for her. Unfortunately one time Mayella tried to assault Tom. “...she says to just step on that chair

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