To Kill A Mockingbird Injustice

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Thousands of innocents in the history of the world have suffered through pain and prosecution all because of something that supposedly sets them off from the norms of people who live in self absorbance and ignorance. These situations and injustices have come up through every society to ever come by on earth but the fact that it is wrong has always tried to be ignored by most. Harper lee paints this picture for us in her thought provoking novel, To kill a mockingbird, where she uses the mockingbird as a symbol of injustice, and to display a life of innocence. The novel depicts the false torture of immaculate residents of Maycomb, a town facing problems of injustice and loss of innocence. Boo radley, a man full of respect and kindness is shut …show more content…

First, similar to a mockingbird gifting with music, Boo sends Scout and Jem gifts all the time. After Boo saves Scout, she acknowledges that, "Neighbors bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave use two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives" (Lee 171). This is talking about how Boo left little gifts for Scout and Jem in a tree, all wrapped in foil for them to discover. He has also given Jem help when he had stitched up Jem's pants for him when he had left them behind in the incident through chapter six through seven of the book.The occasion where he put a blanket on Scout's shoulder when a neighbor's house had gone up in flames at night, can also be looked at as a giving action. A mockingbird is a harmless creature that only gifts others with its singing, just as Boo Radley gifts and helps these children. All these actions although not required of him, are kind and represent his innocence and mercifulness. Secondly, like a mockingbird, Boo does not harm innocent people. When Bob Ewell tries to murder the two children, it is Boo who steps up to defend them and Boo who carries a hurt Jem home. When the sheriff is talking about Boo’s actions to Atticus he says, "I never heard tell that it's against the law for a citizen to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, which is exactly what he …show more content…

Firstly, all evidence in court proved that he was not guilty, rather than going against him. During his trial, he was accused of physically injuring Mayella when he supposedly raped her. However Atticus had proved the court wrong when he showed the injuries on Mayella’s face were on the right side and had to be done by a left handed man. Moreover Tom robinson wasn't even able to use his left arm. Even scout was able to observe this when she stated that, “His left arm was fully twelve inches shorter than his right, and hung dead at his side. It ended in a small shriveled hand, and from as far away as the balcony I could see that it was no use to him.”(Lee 240) Although this shows the readers that Tom definitely did not do such a crime to Mayella Ewell,and that the injuries were put there by someone to make him look responsible. Secondly Tom was a friend to Mayella. He had helped her out many times before. Mayella had also trusted him enough to let him in the house to help her a numerous amount of times. He was kind enough to take his time off, and help with the chores of someone underprivileged and white. When he had been asked if he had done this without pay, and why he had done it he had replied with "Yes, suh. I felt right sorry for her, she seemed to try more'n the rest of 'em-”. (Lee 254) Tom had enough compassion in his heart to feel sorry for

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