To Kill A Mockingbird Qualities Of A Gentleman

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In the 1930's, especially in the South, acting like a gentleman was encouraged and even a point of pride by women that their men were raised right. The book, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, demonstrates many instances of this treasured characteristic: gentleman. What does it take to be a gentleman? Honor, courage, kindness, and respect are the characteristics seen in a gentleman. These terms can be easily used to describe Jem and Atticus Finch. In the dictionary, courage means “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery” ( Atticus shows he values courage frequently throughout the novel. When Scout begins to hear rude things about Atticus at school, …show more content…

Atticus was trying to explain to Scout that it is more important to stand up for what one believes in, even if it means standing against one’s friends. That is courage! This selfless action can be seen again, when the neighborhood faces a mad dog by the name of Tim Johnson. The sheriff is afraid that he would miss the shot, so he forces Atticus to take the gun. Jem and Scout are shocked, because they have never seen their father hold a gun. In fact, Atticus made their Uncle teach them how to use their guns. Atticus tried to explain to Mr. Tate that he "hasn't shot a gun in thirty years" (127), yet he still took the gun "with swift movements that seemed simultaneous, [. . .] like that gun was a part of him" (127, 129). Atticus tried to keep his children from witnessing the violence, instead of showing off the supposed “southern” gentleman trait of handling a firearm. Another example of how Atticus strives to teach Jem this same trait can …show more content…

In Chapter 1 in this novel, Atticus “invested his earnings in his brother’s education [. . . who] chose to study medicine at a time when cotton was not worth growing” (6). He did not just pay for his brother’s tuition with his extra money, but “practiced economy more than anything else” (5). Atticus always shows kindness while being around Mrs. Dubose even when she never showed him mercy. Atticus explains to Jem that “she’s an old lady and she’s ill. You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it’s your job not to let her make you mad” (133). Jem also demonstrates these same traits to others as well. He shows kindness to Dill at the beginning of the book. Scout kept asking “Dill where his father was” (9). Jem realizes it is not polite for Scout to ask that and tells her to be quiet about it. He realizes that the question is causing heartache for Dill and stops Scout. Also, when Jem and Scout are finding all of the items in the knothole in front of the Radley house, Jem suggests writing a thank you letter to stick in the hole for the person to find it and read it. Sadly, Jem and Scout were not able to put the letter in the knothole, because Mr. Radley had just filled the knothole with cement. Jem even tries to be a good brother and help Scout when she is sad. While in the pageant she missed her cue

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