To Kill A Mockingbird Bravery Essay

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What is true bravery? Atticus Finch, in To Kill A Mocking Bird Describes true bravery as “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” If the ability that enables a person to face difficulty, pain or danger is bravery then in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee through many of her characters shows that true bravery can come in many forms. Therefore there are many characters in the book that have shown bravery in the one of many forms that bravery can exist in, such as childish, moral and physical bravery.

The first character that portrayed different kinds of bravery throughout the book is Jem Finch. In the book Jem is Scouts older brother and Atticus’s son. Jem’s view of bravery changes throughout the book as he matures. The first type of bravery that Jem shows is childish bravery, which he especially shows when he ran to the Radley house touched it and came back. Scout describes Jems childish bravery by saying “In all his life, Jem had never declined a dare.” (Harper Lee, p.14). Scouts description of Jem’s bravery shows that Jem was willing to do anything in order to protect his childish honour. This proves that the young Jem had an immature view of bravery as he thought courage was just accepting dares. The reason Jem ran touched the Radley house and came back was in order to prove to Dill that he wasn’t scared of anything. This demonstrates Jem’s bravery because he was willing to accept any dare even if it scared him or concerned his safety. Another way this displays Jem’s bravery is that he wasn’t afraid of his father getting angry at h...

... middle of paper ... lynch Tom Robinson, Atticus in not willing to move. Atticus is willing to fight in order to protect Tom Robinson and he is not afraid of the mob. Mr. Underwood having to cover Atticus with a shotgun shows us the seriousness of the issue. This event overall displays to us the true physical bravery of Atticus. In conclusion Atticus was unquestionably the bravest person in the book, and a true role model for anyone.

Many character displayed true bravely by facing difficulty, pain and fear. They show their bravery through the one of many forms including childish, moral and physical bravery. There are many character other then Atticus and Jem who have also shown true bravery but we have not talked about, including Scout, Ms.Dubose, Boo Radley and Ms.Maudie. In conclusion in the book To Kill A Mockingbird it has been proven that true bravery can come in many forms.

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