To Intermittent Fast, or not to Intermittent Fast, that is the question

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To Intermittent Fast, or not to Intermittent Fast, that is the question

Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting? Could you have ever imagined that not eating breakfast could bring you untold health benefits? Chances are you never came across intermittent fasting, well; trust me I guarantee you are missing out if you are unaware of it. By the end, of this article I am certain you will understand what intermittent fasting is and why it is so popular.

What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting, (also called periodic fasting PF) is a type of eating pattern used by professionals and beginners all over the world to reduce fat percentage, increase growth hormone concentration in the body and simply spend less time cooking. Contrary to public belief, intermittent fasting is not a diet but is just an efficient way to allocate timings (windows) to feed your body. The intermittent fasting methods we will discuss involve the fasting of food and not water. There are many different ways you can actually intermittent fast , these include: Fasting for a full day (24 hours) once or twice per week ( if you are fasting for a fully day twice a week make sure you do not fast on consecutive days ) and then eating as you would normally on the other days, Fasting on Daily basis for 14-16 hours leaving a eating window of 8 – 10 hours or even fasting 20 hours per day and eating one big meal after the fasting period. These methods will allow you to achieve great health benefits that will be outlined later on. It is recommended for both convenience and performance reasons to train just before the eating window thus breaking your fast immediately after your workout.

Safety measures
Before introducing you to PF’s benefits, I would like to ma...

... middle of paper ... especially if you are constantly travelling for long periods of time. Intermitting fasting has been proved to slow down ageing, increase the body’s capacity to resist stress and reduce triglyceride levels in the body due to improved cellular stress response that is built as you are in a fasted state.

Intermittent fasting as you have seen has many advantages although as you could have imagined it is not reasonable to intermittent fast everyday as it can be quite stressful on the body and could as already said cause fatigue and reduced motivation. Intermittent fasting has different results on every one, some people love it and experience great benefits whilst other people say the benefits do not always outweigh the negatives, but that is depending on your body and genetics. As a conclusion, it is worth trying intermitting fasting and seeing how it goes.

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