Titus Andronicus Character Analysis

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TITUS ANDRONICUS: THE STORY OF A DESCENT INTO TRAGEDY In Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, Titus, the main character exhibits signs of insanity. At the beginning of the play Titus seems quite capable of being a leader, but he knows that his career as a General has taken a lot out of him. He knows he is already in a weakened mental state and not capable of being the next Emperor. Regrettably, he gracefully turns it down. As the play continues, Titus begins to slowly sink into his psychosis. While he does have some moments of lucidity, it is clear that revenge and sadness drive him deeper into his troubling and obvious insanity. As the play begins, Titus Andronicus, a Roman General, has just come home after ten years at war, winning honor for These traumatic experiences cause him to fall further into his psychosis. When Lavinia comes along battered and maimed, Titus can’t cope with his family falling apart and he says, “my grief was at the height before thou camest, and now like Nilus, it disdaineth bounds” (3.1.70-71). Here, it is clear that Titus is coming close to his end. He can’t bear his daughter being defiled and his sons being imprisoned and on death row. Titus tries to bail his two sons out. Horribly, Aaron tricks Titus into cutting off his hand in order to save his sons. Ultimately, Titus loses his hand to false hope when Aaron delivers the heads of Titus’s dead sons. Titus exclaims, “Why, I have not another tear to shed… For these two heads do seem to speak to me, and threat me I shall never come to bliss till all these mischiefs be return'd again even in their throats that have committed them” (3.1.265, 270-273). This is Titus’s promise of revenge on the people who have dishonored and maimed him and his family. Titus will not rest until he exacts his revenge and he will do anything to get the traitors back, even if it kills Based on his actions and the definition from the DSM IV, Titus most likely had a case of Brief Reactive Psychosis. It was onset from not only his time at war but the terrors that he had to deal with thereafter, his sons being convicted of murder and beheaded, and the assault, rape, and eventual death of his daughter that he blamed on Tamora and her sons. He was already at a weakened state when he returned from war, but his revenge and anger drove him further into the depth of his insanity and caused him to unnecessarily kill many people including his own son and daughter and many others in cold blood. Additionally, as Titus began to lose touch with reality, he thought that the gods could really help him and that a clown was actually a messenger, sent down from

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