Tim O Brien Quotes And Analysis

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Deep Concerns

In novel The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien expresses a very personal story of his participation as a soldier in the Vietnam War. The narrator offers different tales in which he shares his thoughts, fears as a war companion, and colleague as well as a former soldier. It reviews O’Brien stories as well as the horrifying events that happened in Vietnam.
It also evaluates the quality of O’Brien writing, and focuses on any areas of weaknesses, and inner feelings within the story. The reason why O’Brien narrates stories, is to release his memories from a guilty conscious, and continuously keeping alive the stories of soldiers who were forgotten through the years. Many young men were sent to war, regardless if they did …show more content…

This would make them escape from the Vietnam War, and create a fantasy world where they get serenity. “I remember Mitchell Sanders smiling as he told me that story. Most of it he made up, I’m sure, but even so it gave me a quick truth-goose. Because it’s all relative.
You’re pinned down in some filthy hellhole of a paddy, getting your ass delivered to kingdom come, but then for a few second everything goes quiet and you look up and see the sun and a few puffy eyeballs- the whole world gets rearranged-and even though you’re pinned down by a war you never felt more at peace. What sticks to memory, often are those odd little fragments that have no beginning and no end”(Pg. 38-39) The narrator gives us a great example about the emotional baggage most soldiers recollect. Showing how powerful his mind can be on conveying from Hell to Heaven. Even though, he is now living a different life, hell can be present, as soon as he reminisces the war. He gets to reincarnate the story in present day. Lastly the narrator has effectively continue forward, displaying the profound emotional state of mind of a soldier. Clearly knowing his feelings can be deceiving, and doubting the whole world from the true. “The vapors suck you in. You can’t tell where you are,

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