Tim Burton Cinematic Techniques

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There are many movies that we enjoy watching. Each one of us likes and dislikes a movie. When you watch a movie, you can see how it changes each seconds from the lighting, music, and angles. These cinematic techniques help the audience be more engaged. In tim burton's movie, they all have these 3 cinematic techniques that help us be entertained into his movies. Moreover, one cinematic technique that Tim Burton uses that is similar in all his movies are all the suspicious sounds that appear in scene that make people very curious of what will happen next. For example on the Edward movie, the music gets louder and suspenseful when Edward scratched the girl’s boyfriend in the face. The music helps the audience question what will happen next and be more curious about it. Also, on the big fish movie, the music got louder when the dad found his true love’s house. As he was walking up to it, the music would get louder. This made the audience become more engaged to the scene. Finally, on the charlie and the chocolate factory, each time a kid would disappear, the similar, loud sound was used in this movie as it was in the …show more content…

He usually uses the zoom in. This technique was used in the Big fish movie when the dad first saw his true love. The zoom in helped Ed to see his reaction to when he saw the girl. Another movie that this was in was the edward movie, edward had the same reaction to when he first saw the girl that he liked. The zoom in was used which helped us get an idea of what edward was feeling at the time. Lastly, the last movie, in Charlie and the Chocolate family, the zoom in was used to see Charlie and all the other kids reaction to when they first came in and saw the factory. This showed us that the kids were surprised and amazed when they saw the chocolates and all other sweets. Burton uses zoom in to show the audience what the characters reaction or expression

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