Threshold Vision

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The human eye in combination with the reaction of the brain to distinguish kinds of colors , their relative purity and lightness. Humans do not detect the color spectrum as separate colors but as a continuous band of colors each mixture to the next as in the case of a rainbow. ' Threshold' vision is the point where you can not tell the difference between similar colors. The ' interval ' is the transition rate between feelings and help characterize the differences between color samples . The ultraviolet and infrared colors are beyond both ends of the visible spectrum beyond the range of human vision . However , some animals and insects can feel these colors. Also certain colors are perceived more easily than others. The figure shows the curve …show more content…

The first hypothesis of the anthropological and behavioral research for several colors subhuman species are important signals in order to survive and adapt . Humans are also bound to these biological reactions and may in its evolution the ability to see color developed because it was essential for survival also

The second line comes from each of our personal experiences and options. People feel comfortable when colors remind them of similar things. For example , a soft shade of blue triggers associations with the sky and a psychological sense of calm.

The third fund involves culture. We were born and raised in cultures that are full of meaning. Meanings are color coded connotations of feelings, sensations , atmosphere, shared thoughts and states of mind

It could be that the meanings can vary by line of different cultures and historical time. The vast majority of people are not aware of the effects that colors have on them ; and how this symbolism in everyday life and communication is used. Some basic colors have had, and still have a symbolic meaning in religion. Flags are important examples of Abstract color symbolism.
The experience of the …show more content…

Valuable information on the emotional content of colors is available in a number of psychological experiments and tests. Rorschach developed a psychological test in which the colors are an important issue , commonly known as the inkblot test . He said colors refer to emotions, and more sensitive to colors indicating greater affective behavior . Jung suggested color experience different forms of perception and expression , stating an equivalence between colors and feelings. The psychological effects of colors and color psychology is a vast field complex and beyond the scope of this section .

Our reactions to colors can also be used as diagnostic tools for some theriapies . Experiments have shown that persons situated within an energetic environment and are red appear mentally alert and creative. A pink room has a calming effect , but still allows creativity to the fore. Yellow- orange and activate and increase energy levels . It has been shown that blood pressure rises to experience red, orange or yellow environments. Blood pressure decreases when people are in the green surroundings black or

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