Three Functions of the Law

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Throughout scripture, the words of God are spread among the text through means of the Law. The Law is the word of God that commands one to do what is right based on God’s standards (Mueller, 38). The Law serves as a basis to reflect God’s holiness. The Law is God’s overall demands for people to do right things or else, there are some punishments to expect from failing in His commands. The Law tells people what and what not to do and the consequences for failing to do the right things that God wants us to do. Since the law is reflected upon God’s holly image, it is good. “Though it threatens and accuses sinners, the Law does so as part of God’s plan to reveal our sin and our consequent need for salvation” (Maas, 40). Therefore, the law gears people towards the image that God longs for us to display. Although one cannot be completely righteous, there is a possibility of coming close to it by following the goodness of God. “For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the Law who will be declared righteous” (Romans 2:13).

Within the law there are three functions; the curb function, mirror function and a rule. These three uses of the law act as a path to fulfill civil righteousness to therefore become closer to Christ. The three different functions of the law all have their different effects. While these three functions are based on people’s reactions to the law, the overall outcomes are based on their sinfulness and unsuccessful completions of God’s commands. As stated by Mueller, ‘“The law affects people externally as a “curb” and internally as a “mirror”’ (Mueller, 43). The third use of the law acts as the function for someone to be saved by grace alone apart from the overall co...

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...he path of God’s goodness. Although a person cannot reach all the goals of the Law, it is in our best nature to put our faith in front of us in order to pursue the Law. After all, it is the command of God.


Bahnsen, Greg L. "The Functions of God's Law." Institute for Christian Economics 3.11 (1980):n. pag. Web. 5 May 2011.

Lems, Shane. "Reformed Leader: The Uses of the Law." (2009): n. pag. Web. 5 May 2011.

Maas, Korey. Law and Gospel. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2005. 40-43. Print.

Moore, T.M. "A Lengthening of Prosperity – Uses of the Law: A Foundation for Justice and Salvation." Christian Observer 189. (2011): n. pag. Web. 5 May 2011.

Mueller, Steven P. Called To Believe. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2006. 38-45. Print.

Romans 2:13. Holy Bible: NIV. Grand Rapids, Michigan: International Bible Society, 1984, 2001. 623. Print.

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