Thomas Paine: The Father of Revolution

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Thomas Paine’s influence through the writing of his pamphlets changed the world, particularly the United States of America and France forever. President John Adams said “I know not, whether any man in the world has had more influence on its inhabitants or affairs for the last thirty years than Thomas Paine” (Schlereth np). Paine wrote his most influential piece, “Common Sense,” where he inspired the American colonies to rebel against the British. He was widely praised in the new America as shown by President Adams. Speaking from personal experience, Paine poured out his hatred for the British denying the deep seeded respect that exists within him. He realized that breaking away from Britain would be the hardest thing any of them would ever have to experience and he hoped to portray himself in the same situation as all of the other Americans and eventually Frenchmen. Paine was a part of the Enlightenment where literature transformed into more revolutionary writing as they battled the British. The Enlightenment was a cultural movement that emphasized reason and individualism. Thomas Paine is recognized as one of the most important American authors of all time because of the impact that he had on the entire population of America and the power of the written word is unmatched.
Thomas Paine had an intriguing upbringing that sparked his determination to motivate the American colonies into breaking free from Britain. Thomas Paine flunked out of grade school at the age of twelve, failed at his apprenticeship, and finally was fired as being a tax collector for trying to fight for higher wages (Klemetti np). His unfair treatment in Britain motivated him to undermine Britain by using his greatest tool, his literary skills. Paine challeng...

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... government, inspired by Thomas Paine. New York: Mercury Radio Arts/Threshold Editions, 2009. Print.
Klemetti, Erik. "Thomas Paine "These Are the times That Try Men's Souls"" Sweet Search. Dulcinea Media, Inc., 2014. Web. 21 May 2014. .
Crompton, Samuel Etinde. Thomas Paine and the Fight for Liberty. Philadelphia: Chelsea
House, 2006. Print.
Schlereth, Eric R. "Paine, Thomas." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2014. Web. 6 May 2014.
Sherwood, Martha A. "Common Sense." Masterplots, Fourth Edition (2010): 1-3. Literary Reference Center. Web. 6 May 2014.

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