Things Fall Apart Rhetorical Analysis

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Things Fall Apart Essay Prompt

In this article, Chinua Achebe explains his purpose of writing the book "Things Fall Apart". He argues that the Europeans were not the first who taught the African people about culture. Rather, they have only taken away their dignity. Throughout the novel, Achebe has brought up the various customs and beliefs of the Ibo people which prove that they were not as savage and uncivilized as they were thought to be. Considering the events that bear such pieces of evidence, I agree with Chinua Achebe's argument as these events show that the Ibo people lived in a society abiding a set of rules and wanted balance in their lifestyle.

A remarkable event of this novel is the arrival of the Europeans and imposing their system of justice. They felt that the Ibo were only savages and they needed a system of justice in their society. But in chapter 10 of the novel, we find that a justice system was already existent in the village …show more content…

Undoubtedly, their religion had some extreme rules and it needed to be stopped. But making the young generation to give up their ancestor's religion was truly a shock to the dignity of the Ibo. The Europeans considered the Ibo religion to be false and assumed that they only worshiped wood and rocks. It is true that they indeed worshiped wood and rocks but that does not draw a conclusion that their religion was meaningless.In a conversation between Mr. Brown and Akuna in chapter 21, Akuna describes what their religion truly stands for. He explained that their religion was not just wood and rocks but they had one chief God just like the Christians. He explained that the other Gods were only the expressions of different powers of the chief God. Hence, their religious dignity was precious to them but as more and more of their young generation were attracted to the grandiloquent preaching of the Europeans, their religious dignity was

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