Thin Women In The Workplace Essay

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When it comes to pay, size matters
Long-held, media-driven stereotypes about size and weight are playing out in the workplace for both men and women, according to a study, which found that thin women are paid more than their average-weight counterparts, while thin men are actually penalized for slimness.
If you are a woman, you should be extremely thin; if you are a man, you should be big and strong. And while we've grown accustomed to seeing studies that such stereotypes play out in the workplace -- overweight and obese women, for example, have a harder time ascending the career staircase -- a recent study has found that a worker's girth can have an appreciable impact on the size of their paycheck.
The study found that thin women are paid significantly more than their average-sized counterparts, while heavier women make less. Skinnier-than-average men, on the …show more content…

In general, she said, people have distinct subconscious reactions to different body types. For instance: For a man, skinny says less-than-manly and gay, two qualities that clash with our Americanized vision of a leader: tall, strong and emotionally unmoved.
For women, an ultra-thin figure simply says success, and makes for an attractive corporate image, she said.
Amelia Rayno said The pounds -- whether more or less -- add up in terms of dollars, according to the study, "When It Comes to Pay, Do the Thin Win? The Effect of Weight on Pay for Men and Women," published in the Journal of Applied Psychology in fall.
Being thin paid off in a big way for women, earning them about $16,000 more a year, on average. But thin men made about $8,000 less than their male co-workers.
The researchers, Timothy Judge and Daniel Cable, say that much of the problem is the result of subconscious decisions based on entrenched social

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