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Influences on consumer behavior
Influences on consumer behavior
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Being part of the modeling industry can be a dangerous decision. The modeling industry doesn’t use the power they have in order to make sure the models are in a healthy state. If the modeling industry doesn’t put any rules on how thin models should be then they’re putting many of their models at risk of tragic consequences. Many of these tragic consequences are eating disorders such as bulimia that can possibly lead to death. Not only is this affecting the models it’s also affecting the mentality of the women or men that look up to these models. I think that having certain regulations on how thin a model should be is vital for the health of the model and other people that the models inspire.
To start, the modeling industry have set guidelines
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The modeling industry has had many years to develop a set of rules for the minimum weight a model should and as of now still some agencies do not have those rules. As of now it seems that the industry only wants to satisfy the media so they can continue to promote what they believe is the ideal body shape and don’t find much importance in maintaining the health of the model in good conditions. What makes one want to risk the health of a …show more content…
Some people include dietician, personal trainer, and models who have been through tough situations for being excessively thin. Models don’t have to starve themselves in order to maintain the weight they have or to lose weight. Dieticians can help create meals to fit a certain diet a model wants to have. A personal trainer can help models stay fit. Modeling agencies should have these resources available for the model so they can maintain their models fit and still have the body image that they want to see.
Many doctors would approve that models need to make sure that their health is in check before going on to a runway. The health of the model needs to come first. In most cases the modeling agency is who is telling the model exactly how she should look like, but sometimes the model herself is just losing weight to feel better. If the model doesn’t take care of her body, then how will she be able to continue her career. Modeling agencies should consider putting regulations that way their models can continue doing what they
With all the traveling and being in the public’s eye, it is not uncommon for a model to have anxiety issues. “We found that the majority of models begin their careers very young — most start working before age 16” (modelalliance.org). The majority of models start working at the age of 16 and some even younger. They are required to work just as hard and be able to take the same jobs has models older than them. “60.5% of models lack the privacy while changing into clothes, 46.4% posed nude because they were okay with it, 86.8% have been asked to pose nude without advanced notice and 27.5% ended but posing nude because they felt they had to even though they didn’t want to” (modelalliance.org). Many models are exposed to modeling naked no matter what age they are. “‘Insecurity is in everyone and we don’t feel it just because we’re models. We just see ourselves more often because we’re in pictures all the time, so it’s become more apparent to us. It’s easier for us to admit that we are insecure. Models aren’t any different and we don’t think that we’re that perfect image’” (telegraph.co.uk). This statement was made by male model, Jamie Jewitt; Jamie has explains that he was not always as fit as he is and he usually only sees his imperfections. In the statement, he explains how everyone has insecurities even models like him and it's easier to admit it because of the amount of times they are in
One of the hardest pressures that dancers have to get through is the pressure from the media. The media places harsh, rigid, and false ideas of dancers on to the mass public. Constantly bombarded by commercials, magazine ads, posters, etc., the idea of being thin and beautiful is what the society thinks of as the “norm”. The truth is “these ads portray women who have a weight way below average, and have no imperfections” (Karyn p.1). Many ads are airbrushed to give the models the look of being flawless which many women and girls do not realize. Since that look is “virtually impossible to achieve” many dancers will develop an eating disorder feeling that “it is their only road to achieve this goal” of being thin (Karyn p.1). When thinking about it, the whole point of a commercial is essentially to sell happiness. If selling happiness is the goal and the use of models is prevalent in the commercial, then it can be concluded that the only way to achieve happiness is to be just like the commercial by having the product being advertised and looking like the person advertising it.
Although many valid points can be made about the wrong done by the fashion industry, some people may still be concerned about the fact that using a system of BMI or minimum weights takes away the freedom of the designers and models. The designers and models are entitled to their own way of fashion and if that way is loved, then they should be able to express it. If a certain design or outfit calls for a skinny model then models ...
Everybody knows that models are not perfect even if they look perfect. You assume, oh she's perfect because she's a model, and she's walking down the catwalk while I'm here sitting down, watching her, eating potato chips, and drinking a coke. People need to learn to face reality nobody is perfect, not even models. Did you know that most of the models they use in catwalks are normally size 0 models because some fashion industry's think that size 0 models are a better size to use to design then an avegage sized person. Size 0 models should be banned because they are a bad influence for teenagers,most models are suffering from anorexia,and models get pressured by their mentors to be skinnier and when that doesn't work they turn to surgery.
“My lips and fingers were blue because I was so thin that my heart was struggling to pump blood around my body”, said teen model fashion Georgina (Carroll 1). The new skinny has become excessively scrawny. Is it definitely not normal for today’s society models to walk around with blue fingers starving themselves until their organs start failing! As for the model agencies, they couldn’t care less of the pressure and dangerous practices they put the models through in order for them to stay thin for the runway. Even fashion Designers continue to produce the smallest couture sample sizes and scout for the slimiest bodies to wear the designs not aware of the consequences of the pressure they not only put on models, but on the society girls to look like these starving models. And when the models continue to get offers from the most important fashion industries like Prada, it motivates them to keep doing what they are doing to stay in the shape they are in (Carroll 1). But little did the outside world know what this pressure had on the models and what they were doing to their bodies to peruse their modeling careers.
In conclusion, women should be comfortable in their own skin and shouldn’t feel compelled to be as thin as a model. Women need to feel appropriate and content in their own skin, and to not feel inferior to the model on TV or pasted in a magazine advertisement. We are all different and no woman is exactly the same and even the ones that seem to be picture perfect have flaws and love handles, and women need to realize that is the truth. So, by accepting one’s self for who they truly are and what they have accomplished in life is what is going to boost our self-esteem. Once the world understands this, then the media won’t have such a monumental affect on society.
Bennett, Jessica. "The Fashion Industry Promotes Eating Disorders." Eating Disorders. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Why Skinny Models Are Making Us Fat." Newsweek (8 Feb. 2007). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 20 May 2014.
Fashion models don’t need to be thin, they need to be diverse and healthy at whatever weight that is. Not everyone is supposed to be thin, some women are big boned and curvy, others are naturally slim and small boned, some are tall, others are short, some are light skinned and others are darker. So many diverse looks exist in the world today and the fashion industry need to change their perception of perfect. Body image in our society is out of control. We have young men and women comparing themselves to unrealistic models and images in the media and feeling bad about the way their own bodies look because they somehow don’t measure up. (Dunham, 2011) The struggle for models to be thin has led to models becoming anorexic or bulimic, untimely deaths, and inferiority complexes. Even worse is the fact that they influence a whole generation of young women who look up to these models and think “thin” is how they are supposed to be. They influence what we buy, how we eat and what we wear. Why has this specific group captured our attention so much? Why do we seem to be so fascinated in their lives, to the point where we try to look and act just like them? The media is largely to be blamed for this, many people believe the media has forced the notion that everything supermodels do is ideal. Others believe that the society is to be blamed because we have created a fascination with their lives. There are many opinions, and I agree with both of these specific opinions. We allow ourselves to be captivated by these people's lives, and the media portrayal of their lives seem to also enthrall us. (Customessaymeister, 2013) Despite the severe risks of forcing models to become too thin, designers, fashion editors, fashion brands and agencies still ...
Models are beautiful and well known. Many little girls look at what the models look like and see just pure beauty. They don’t see the money, the fame and the lifestyle. They just see the beauty and they want to be that Covergirl that has the perfect makeup and is just stunningly beautiful. They want to be in front of the camera having all the attention. Every little girl has had this experience atleast once. Call me crazy, but I still have that dream. I did some research to see what it is like and found some pretty disturbing things. The models have so much physical and mental strain. A small amount of the models are depressed or anorexic because their directors have way unrealistic expectations for their models. They have to be skinny, but
Kirstie Clements states, “The longer I worked with models, the more the food deprivation became obvious. Cigarettes and Diet Coke were dietary staples. Sometimes you would see the tell-tale signs of anorexia, where a girl develops a light fuzz on her face and arms as her body struggles to stay warm.” (The Truth About Size Zero.) Banning size zero models might help the other models starving themselves to be a size zero because then they wouldn’t be different than the other models. There is one agency that pressures models to be a size zero, but if they aren’t skinny enough they won’t give the model a job. Zuzanna Buchwald told us how her agents said she needed to stop eating and exercise to lose weight. This developed into anorexia and bulimia that Buchwald battled for four years. Buchwald says, “I was very weak, very down all the time. I had problems with teeth, my complexion was grey, my skin was dry. It was a terrible experience. And even though I beat both disorders, even now I have a very emotional relationship with food.”(The Illness Changed My Relationship with Food Forever) Eating disorders aren’t just a problem in teens, they are a problem in the models
Step out into the everyday world as an average American and you will witness an entanglement of varied body size, and shape. Now, enter the world of the media, a world in which you are formally introduced to high fashion, where flashing lights, money, glamour and riches crash around you, satiating every crevice of your being. Here, you will find two unified body types, divided into two categories of shape in women; thin, and thick. Naturally, any woman who wishes to someday strut down the catwalk in Zac Posen, or pose in Marie Claire wearing Dolce and Cabana must have a body that fits one of these required molds, right? It is a well-known reality that many women who cannot reach by healthy means, or do not already have, the desired body type for fashion industries, will develop an eating disorder to starve their way into the position. However, most fail to address the issue of obesity that curdles on the other end of the physical spectrum; the plus size modeling industry. This statement not only boils the blood of millions of American Women, but begs the question: If extremely thin models promote eating disorders, should we prohibit advertisers, especially those in fashion, from using plus size models, as they may promote obesity? To put it simply, no. Plus size models do not promote obesity because they only provide thicker, much larger women, confidence and appreciation for their body without pressuring them to take unhealthy means to shed pounds; they do not encourage overeating and lack of exercise.
What a lot of young women do not realize is that Victoria’s Secret models, while they are also genetically gifted, also endure hell to keep this flawless figure. Poppy Cross, an author for Daily Mail, took it upon herself to train like an “angel” for four months. She states that a “healthy, fit woman will have between 21 and 24 percent body fat” and that her 22 percent “wasn’t going to cut it in the VS world” (Cross). She states that through the first month of routine, she became both emotionally and physically exhausted, and her immune system had weakened as well. She also goes on to say that her daily caloric intake was around 1,300, which is severely low compared to the 2000 calories the average woman is recommended to consume.
A tall, glamorous runway model is every girl’s dream. Long beautiful legs, lean body, and beautiful shiny hair is what an average young woman views as an ideal image for a female. If you don’t resemble the images of those stunning Victoria Secret models and Fashion Week models, you suddenly become ashamed of your own body. It is a great life to have with the high pay, fame, drinking champagne on a yacht with famous celebrities and even being on the Vogue cover page. Fashion Modeling Industry has been the most influential source in our young women’s lives. Young girls and young women are seen eating as little as they can, even starving themselves at times to resemble those models. What they don’t realize is that they are contributing to the 2.7 percentage of 13- 18 year olds suffering from anorexia and bulimia. Susan Albers, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic said exposure to thin models is a great trigger in maintaining an eating disorder. When watching America’s Next Top Model or flipping through a Fashion magazine, these young women don’t apprehend that those models are either naturally slim or they are suffering from an eating disorder themselves, in other words, hostages in the dark hell hid behind those runway curtains. The growing number of young anorexia and bulimia patients, and the number of websites such as thinspiration, where girls put up pictures of their thin bodies clearly suggest that the fashion modeling industry do not at all bear any responsibility in providing healthy, realistic physical role models for young women.
It seems like every little girl dreams of becoming a model. They want to be thin and pretty like the models they see on television and in magazines. Often the desire becomes an obsession and young girls see "thinness" as being a needed characteristic. For many girls, the teenage years are spent trying to acquire this look. Females are trying diets and are exercising like it is a competition to see who can lose the most weight the quickest. The obsession of many young girls over their appearance or weight has led to a growing number of people who have developed an eating disorder to try to deal with their lack of self-esteem or other related problems.
Everyone has seen the modern day models, they’re everywhere; in magazines, on billboards, and in commercials. They even have a T.V. shows dedicated to them (America’s next top model, for example). These models are all skinny and seemingly perfect in every way. They are idolized and what most girls (and many boys as well) want is to be just like them, to be skinny, have the perfect body weight, and the perfect body figure. Some people end up taking it to the extreme though, and get sick. They become obsessed with how they look to the point where it’s unhealthy, and possibly even deadly, and develop what we call eating disorders, or ED for short.