Thesis: The Sunni Problem

247 Words1 Page

Introduction: (50 Words)
Sunni is the largest of the two Islamic branches and makes up 80% of the world’s Muslim population. Sunni is very different from the Shi'a sect due to religious belief differences and arguments. My thesis is “What is the main belief of the Sunni sect and how did this differ from the Shiites?”
Part I: (300 Words)

Part II: (300 Words)
The ongoing conflict between the Sunnis and Shi'a started from arguments originating from religious diffferences. These disagreements were focused on the Prophet Muhammad’s successor. After Muhammad’s death in 632 C.E., his close friend Abu Bakr was appointed caliph of the Islamic community. This is where the conflict began. Sunni Muslims believe that Abu Bakr was elected by the community

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