There is No Perfect Government, No Utopia

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From the early stages of civilization men created a form of government to help bring order to society. One of the greatest philosophers Thomas Hobbes believed that men left in their natural state is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short; however, for men to obtain peace they must renounce their freedom to a form of government to gain freedom. (Hobbes, 1865 ) The government has shaped many civilizations, and brought many changes to each new civilization. Throughout history one can observe many forms of government, some government systems brought peace and prosperity to the states while others brought destruction, war, and famine which can be seen in Ancient Greek and Rome. The question then arises, what there a perfect form of government? If not, can there be a perfect government? ,

• The rise and fall of Ancient Greek

A government is a group of people or a sole ruler that governs a nation. It sets and administers, public policy and exercises executive political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state. It is an exclusive policy-making body of unit. There are many forms of government, democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, and dictatorship to list a few. (WebFinance, Inc., 2013) Ancient Greek had many forms of government which can be observed when looking at the different poleis, and the two famous polis were known as Athens and Sparta. Athens formally was founded on the monarchy, a form of government controlled by one person, however by 564 B.C. Athens had formed the first form of government known as democracy. (Mathisen, 2012) Democracy was a system which required active and ongoing participants of citizens, while all Athenian citizens were allowed to take ...

... middle of paper ... no perfect government system. To create a perfect government, one must create a perfect world where people are willing to follow the laws set my society, a utopia. However the government is essential to every society and without some form of government there would only be destruction and war.

Works Cited

Fabi , F. (2003). Fall of the Roman Empire. Retrieved from

Frank, S. (2009). An Imperfect Democracy. Microhistory and World Timeline , 4-5.

Hobbes, T. (1865 ). The Natural Condition of Mankind. In T. Hobbes, Leviathan (p. 74). London: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.

Mathisen, R. W. (2012). Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations . New York: Oxford University Press.

WebFinance, Inc. (2013). Goverment. Retrieved from

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