Theories Of Death Anxiety

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Everyone has an instinct in them that gives them a little fear, ever wonder about if someone can be taken from you to soon or that they were already taken to soon and you could be next? Death anxiety can do both cause and add to an assortment of fears. In fact, having this form of anxiety has a name called terror management theory also known as TMT. TMT actually suggests that this form of anxiety is a psychological distress that can be a serious investment in cultural beliefs and worldviews. People can deal with this type of concern in culture and belief systems causing their self-esteem to be affected. The philosophical perspective part of TMT is known as “meta-atheism” this is a way that someone could help cope with such some issues that …show more content…

In different cultures some can share the same religion causing them to even have the same type of spiritual beliefs which provocatively helps shape that culture. All cultures have their own theories about the meaning and purposes of life and what happens after death. This apprises to how people in those different cultures approach death in their own ways. “For example, people may find death more manageable if they believe in a life after death. In some cultures, people believe that the spirit of someone who has died directly effects the living family members. The family members are comforted by the belief that their loved one is watching over them. Over-all, beliefs about the sense of death help people make sense of it and cope with its mystery.” (Okechi, …show more content…

Living life to the fullest can be a start to keeping this anxiety at bae, “Do the things you want to do, even if they’re scary. Live life on your terms and take control.” (David, 2015) another way that people can work on their fear through a cultural and religious way could be to explore their spirituality “You may wish to join a religious organization, appear consideration classes, or explore your options until you find one that fulfills you.” (David, 2015) this way you can even talk to other people and see how they cope allowing you to find a new way to deal with it as well. Once you actually consider your beliefs about death and the afterlife under your own terms you can then being to accept your own death allowing you to feel a bit more comfortable when feeling so stressed about it.

Finally, when looking back at it all you realize, although there are many different cultures and their ways of coping with death anxiety, certain religions and cultures do have a major impact on how someone would actually view death, it is how we are raised to make us think the way that we do. Just by following some of the steps on how to cope with death anxiety though terror management theory they tend to go back to finding a support group or a new cultural religious group in hopes to find you a new way of light and another way to view something that can be so tragic

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