Theoretical Setting In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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When readers first take a look at Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, they might think that Bradbury is poking fun at a potential future society. After taking a closer look, readers can see that Bradbury is actually using a futuristic setting to show the problems that could occur in our society today. Readers follow Montag as he tries to figure out what is right and wrong within this society. He will run into conflicts with his wife Mildred, Mildred's friends, the government, and book burning sympathizers. Throughout this dystopian setting, Bradbury will use different forms of technology, family values, and educational change to address these problems. In this novel, Bradbury shows the flaws of family values. Bradbury discusses the different ways that families interact …show more content…

We see this all the time in our world today. It is now seen as more of an accomplishment to be athletic than to be smart. Using your brain is no longer important within society; we see this today with things like scholarships. It is believed that sports and athletics are more important than the children being able to use their brains to think. “With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word ‘intellectual,’ of course, became the swear word it deserved to be”(Bradbury 55). Bradbury uses Beatty’s viewpoints to represent the way everyone thinks about education in this society. Bradbury is making the connection that if we continue with this mindset our society will start to go downhill just as it has in Fahrenheit 451. Technology is changing our society as shown in Fahrenheit 451. Within this novel, readers can see how much technology is affecting society. The problem that Bradbury is presenting to readers is that they no longer need to use their

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