Themes In Shakespeare's The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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In Macbeth, William Shakespeare portrays many themes, themes that revolve around idealistic views of power, desire, and climbing the social ladder. In “The Tragedy of Macbeth”, Shakespeare tells a story, not of Macbeth or his reign, but a story universal to all. In a world of political schemes and scandals, Macbeth’s thoughts and reactions illustrate desires of the regular human psyche. The result of his greed, ambition, and craving symbolizes the ideals that seem admirable today. However, “The Tragedy of Macbeth” also includes the guilt and pain that follows consequently. A developed theme for “Macbeth” argues that power ensures to ruin whoever dare enter its grips, as it did Macbeth. Many have withheld power and with it, have consequently …show more content…

Disputing that, yet again, Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth to honor her death. However, by the time Lady Macbeth committed suicide, she meant nearly nothing to him. Shakespeare used Macbeth’s paranoia to forget her, and only until he hears news of her death does he remember, responding, “Life’s but a walking shadow…” (V. v. 27). Although they once loved each other, Duncan’s murder and the worries of the throne tore them apart. The next argument would be that Macbeth only acted because The Witches told him that he could not die from “women born” (IV. i. 91) blood, and that his reign would last as long as trees could not walk. So they did motivate him to believe in the immortality of his throne and his life. However, this argument faults because Macbeth could have interpreted the terms that The Witches used. This situation does not stray far from when Macbeth first heard prophecy that he would be king as well as Banquo’s children. The answer shows clearly, but Macbeth ignores it. Not because he does not understand, but because he fears to face the inevitable result of losing his throne. So it would not be correct to declare Macbeth’s carelessness on his insanity because he did the same careless actions before he

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