Theme Of Virtue In The Crucible

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Their Ruined Virtue
The author of The Crucible, Arthur Miller, created many themes to go along with his story. It is the character’s personalities and the drama’s events that form each of the themes. One of the most noticeable themes is the presence of ruining of virtuous acts. Since most of the characters are conceited and looking for a way to climb up the social ladder, not many examples of pure acts of virtue make themselves known in The Crucible. Throughout the drama, the characters and events spoil acts of virtue or of piety for their own profit or selfish advance.
The seventeen year old niece of Reverend Parris prompts the story to move on a path toward disaster. Abigail violates multiple virtuous acts, some of which break the rules …show more content…

One example is a casual reference; the incidental mention of something, either directly or implied also known as an allusion. As stated by Arthur Miller, “Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and where she walks the crowds will part like the sea for Israel" (Miller 1237). This reference is to Moses parting the Red Sea so that the Israelites had a chance to escape from the Pharaoh 's armies. In another instance the drama states, “She raises up her chin like the daughter of a prince” (Miller 1237). The quote is an example of a simile which is a figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared, using words such as like, as, or resembles. Elizabeth Proctor describes how their servant, Mary Warren, defied her as if she were royalty. Though there are many more a final example is a metaphor. This is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things without the use of specific words of comparison. The drama uses this metaphor by having Elizabeth say, “I have read my heart this three month, John. I have sins of my own to count” (Miller 1269). This demonstrates how her character is thoughtful and considerate of her husband. It was one of the few examples of unspoiled virtues in The

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