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20 th century English literature in England
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Recommended: 20 th century English literature in England
Anglo-Saxon literature has some of the most renowned stories within its walls. “The Anglo-Saxon period lasted for 600 years, from c.410 to c.1066” (BBC). Their literary writings in Old English were composed somewhere between c.650 and c.1100. There are two common types of old English poetry the heroic and the Christian works. A common theme throughout all types of the Anglo-Saxon works is isolation some of which are The Seafarer, The Wanderer, and Beowulf. In the literary work “The Seafarer” remoteness shapes the mood of the story. Throughout it the reader feels this sense of sadness and loneliness from the speaker. This is shown through lines like this “Around my heart. Hunger tore at my sea-weary soul. No man sheltered on the quiet fairness of earth can feel how wretched I was drifting through winter” (Wiggins 22). This quote was heavy on the theme of isolation and that writing style is held throughout most of the story. Further in the story it almost completely changes …show more content…
The wanderer described in the poem speaks of his frustration as he is forced to search for a new lord during winter, and even his dreams of the joy he might find once more in the employ of a new lord prove to be no comfort to him in the end” (Esteliel). This Quote from writers guild shows, very well, how exile and isolation impacted the Wanderer. In this story the main character of the story is forced to walk this lonely ice road trying to find a new lord. Throughout his lonely journey the reader slowly grows sympathetic feelings towards for him because he starts dreaming he was back in the old hall talking to and laughing with his old lord and everyone there. After having these amazing dreams he would wake up to the very depressing realization that he still has nobody to converse with and that he still has a long and lonely road ahead of
When deciphering between what it considered to be heroic or monstrous, it is important to keep in mind the angle in which a story is being told. While reading Beowulf, the protagonist of the epic poem could be considered either heroic or monstrous through the eyes of different characters. Beowulf can be classified as a hero according to The Hero’s Journey through the eyes of Hrothgar and Hygelac. On the other hand, Beowulf could be viewed as being monstrous according to Monster Theory through the eyes of Unferth and Grendel’s Mother.
Magoun, Frances P. “Oral-Formulaic Character of Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poetry.” In TheBeowulf Poet, edited by Donald K. Fry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968.
Beowulf, an epic poem, written by unknown and translated by Seamus Heaney, is an artifact of the Anglo-Saxon era because it is a piece of literature that was documented once. During the time it was written, writing was not common. The poem reveals a lot of the Anglo-Saxon practices and beliefs, but it also is compared to Christianity because was written down by a christian monk.
Raffel, Burton. and Alexandra H. Olsen Poems and Prose from the Old English, (Yale University Press)Robert Bjork and John Niles,
An epic is a long narrative poem on a serious subject. It usually is about
Beowulf's Physical Journeys The physical journeys that Beowulf goes through in this poem are more than a mere change in location. They represent a change that Beowulf is going to go through. After each journey, since they were followed with a fight, or battle, Beowulf changes. He changed in more ways than just young to old; he changed into a heroic warrior and eventually a king.
Throughout the story, Beowulf fights three battles against frightening monsters. Beowulf, the prince of the Geats, was a well known warrior with extreme strength who makes a promise to protect his people under any circumstance. In the poem, his strength is tested, but he uses it to save many people in battles against: Grendel, Grendel 's mother, and a dragon. Before, during, and after each of these battles Beowulf shows many similarities and differences in his actions.
A hero is someone who is admired for their courage and bravery, as well as their noble accomplishments. They are respected by almost everyone, due to their kindness and charitable mindset, that drives them to fight for the good of others. Beowulf is the perfect representation of a hero, based on multiple characteristics that he displays throughout the novel. Along with his characteristics, Beowulf also takes on many “hero like” challenges and tasks. In the novel, Beowulf is praised and admired throughout the kingdom for his bravery, humility, and selflessness.
Loneliness can be compared to a coin; it has a head and a tail. To someone who is overcome by the constant influx of people or situations, loneliness can be seen as a sort of utopia; to someone who feels that they are all alone in the world, loneliness can be seen as a sort of hell. In these two works, the reader is exposed to the positive and negative aspects of being alone. Yeats' character desires to be alone because he longs to feel all of the comfort that lonesomeness has to offer; within his soul, the persona feels an intense desire to leave the fast-paced city and become one with nature (Yeats, 2093). He longs to go to is an island called Innisfree (2092) because he became infatuated with the idea of this place as a child when his father read him Thoreau's Walden. On this island he could live in a cabin, where he could grow his own food and experience all of the beauty that nature had to offer. Yeats allows his character to rationally conclude that he would rather be alone because his life is constantly being overrun by aspects of the city. Loneliness can be either positive or negative; in the case of Yeats' character, solitude was something to be treasured, while Eliot's character felt that loneliness was something to be loathed.
It is important to consider the meaning of home when analyzing The Seafarer. The narrator of this poem seems to feel a sense of belonging while traveling the sea despite the fact that he is obviously disillusioned with its hardships .The main character undergoes a transformation in what he considers home and this dramatically affects his life and lifestyle. Towards the end of The Seafarer the poet forces us to consider our mortality, and seems to push the notion that life is just a journey and that we will not truly be at home until we are with God.
In the poem Beowulf, we see the Anglo-Saxon hero. Beowulf, the protagonist, embodies the honor of the Anglo-Saxon culture and tradition. The poem in itself is an elegant script of Anglo-Saxon times. Composed in 8th or 9th century, the epic was passed down from generation to generation orally and has no known author. The Anglo-Saxon hero was a warrior.
Beowulf, being Tolkien’s biggest inspiration in The Lord of The Rings, is the prime example of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Written anonymously, it is the oldest surviving epic poem in history. The Anglo-Saxon time period thrived on the heroic codes of Honor, Strength, and Bravery. The warrior, Beowulf himself, exemplified this heroic code...
When exiled from society, loneliness becomes apparent within a person. The poems The Seafarer translated by S.A.J. Bradley and The Wife?s Lament translated by Ann Stanford have a mournful and forlorn mood. Throughout each poem exists immense passion and emotion. In the two elegiac poems there is hardship, loneliness and uncertainty for each character to live with.
Beowulf is a very brave hero, he has fought and killed many creatures before, but this battle was different. He knew this battle was of great importance to everyone, and that made him that much more nervous. This creature was fierce and had been tormenting their village for as long as they could remember, so her death would be a huge victory for Beowulf and it would be an even bigger relief for the villagers. All of the people in the village were cheering for Beowulf as he walked away headed off to the greatest battle of his life.
Known as the first poem of the English literature, Beowulf is the major literary monument of Old English literature and of Anglo-Saxon England. The original work was written around the year 1000. The myth that Beowulf embodies has captured the modern imagination and placed the poem among the masterpieces of world literature. The poem documents the values, questions, and attitudes of the time and explores themes that are still engaging and fascinating. Beowulf is the oldest known piece of literature in English.