Theme Of Good And Evil In Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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“All human beings are commingled out of good and evil” Robert Louis Stevenson once said. In this one of a kind novel entitled The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by the wonderful Robert Louis Stevenson. Throughout this literary work, the idea of good vs evil as well as your dark side being tough to handle is greatly expressed. Which is why the theme of this novel is good versus evil and having trouble controlling your dark side.Now some people may believe that your good side almost always triumphs over your bad side mnly becasue thats what wither see or hear about, the yin and yang sign for good and evil is perfectly balanced, and some others may believe that a person cannot have two completely opposite personalities. According
Some non believers may think that it is perfectly equal because in the picture the sides look almost the same. Despite this idea, Robert Louis Stevenson’s work [proves this claim wrong. The first example in the novel is when Jekyll is explaining what happened at Regents Park, “I began to be aware of change in the temper of my thoughts , greater boldness, a contempt of danger, a solution of the bonds of obligation. I looked down; my clothes hung from lessly on my shrunken limbs; the hand that lay on my knee was corded and hairy. I was once more Edward Hyde.” (73). This is an example of how Jekyll’s evil side just immediately takes over and causes his sides to be unbalanced. The second example is when Jekyll implies, “And hence as I think it came about that Edward Hyde was so much smaller, slighter, and younger than Henry Jekyll.”(64). And also a little further states, “Evi besides had left on that by an imprint of deformity and decay” (64). Jekyll is implying that the reason for why he his now older looking than Hyde is because his evil side of Hyde has now left an imprint on a regular body. Therefore leading to the fact that his two personality sides (Yin and Yang) are no longer balanced. The final example is when Jekyll states, “I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end” (78). Finally Dr Jekyll’s evil side is taking over and there will no longer be a Dr. Jekyll only a Mr. Hyde
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is good versus evil as well as our bad side triumphing over your good side. Even if some critics may think that your bad side almost always triumphs because of movies or any other place that has happened, the yin and yang symbol is of perfect balance, and someone cannot possibly have a double-sided appearance where the two sides are opposite. It is clear to see that in Robert Louis Stevenson’s writing, a person can have two opposite personalities, the yin and yang symbol is not evenly balanced, and your bad side can triumph your good side. As Robert states, “All human beings are commingled out of good and evil” Hopefully those critics may now understand not to believe what they see or may hear about when dealing with good versus evil and evil triumphing over

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