Theme Of Evil In To Kill A Mockingbird

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It is a sin to kill a mockingbird, because they are innocent. To Kill A Mockingbird is a book that is a book well focused on many different real problems. The writer Harper Lee showcases these problems through the characters and told by the narrator Jean Louise Finch (Scout). The story takes place in the small town Maycomb where rumors stay. Two innocent men are thought out to be such monsters by the people in the town. Lee shows how people are quick to judge just like in Maycomb and how it is wrong. In the beginning of the book the children are fascinated by the thought of seeing Boo Radley and share the stories that they have heard by the other people in town. “Jem said ‘He goes out, all right, when it’s pitch dark. Miss Stephanie Crawford said she woke up in the middle of the night one time and heard him looking straight through the window at her..’” (Lee pg 17) The kids are influenced by the other people to think of him this way. They are intrigued by the stories and they begin to wonder more about him with the help of a neighbor named Dill. …show more content…

They really don’t know much about him but what they have been told. Lee does this to show how people are very easily led to believe what they

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