Theme Of Diversity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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According to the Nation Bullying Prevention Center, one out of four students report being bullied through the school year. Those children are picked on at school because of their differences from the “normal”. In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill A Mockingbird, a young girl named Scout see’s certain characters shunned and made fun of because of their differences and cannot understand why these community members hold onto these prejudices. Atticus, Boo, and Tom all go through adversity brought on by the people from Maycomb. The book To Kill A Mockingbird shows how individuals are treated based of their differences. At the beginning of chapter nine Scout is in a fight with one of her classmates named Cecil Jacobs because he insulted Atticus about who he was assigned to defend in a court case. Due to the time frame this book takes place in African Americans are not treated as well as whites and are seen as a lesser. “ Scout Finch’s daddy defended niggers”(74). Throughout the rest of the book up until the trial of Tom Robinson, Atticus and his children are constantly made fun of and seen a disgraceful. Young Scout is only defending Atticus because he is her father and someone said something rude about him. She does not understand racism and how it is used as …show more content…

Boo was a troublemaker in Maycomb and him along with some of his buddies were about to be sent to a school when Boo’s parents decided to have him stay at home and they teach him a lesson. From that point on Boo was never seen again a certain legends are told about him depicting him as a monster. “Any stealthy small crimes committed in Maycomb were his work”(9). Boo has been stuck in that house ever since he was young and has been made fun and seen as a criminal. Even though the people in Maycomb do not know the whereabouts of Arthur Radley the prejudice against him have such a large effect that the children in the town join along even

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