Theme Of Death In Everyman

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The following essay analyzes the perception and treatment of death in Everyman. Written in the late 15th century by an unknown author, Everyman illustrates the subject of human mortality. After becoming dissatisfied with everyman’s reckless and worldly attitude, God sends his mighty messenger Death, to deliver a spiritual message to Everyman. Throughout Everyman’s journey with to morality, he realizes that anything that is not an importance to God’s parishes, and only thing that matters at the end of the journey is the way Everyman lived his.
In the poem Everyman, Death illustrates that the only way to gain entirety is through preforming good deeds and to repent of all sins. Additionally, one must consider their personal choices, …show more content…

Everyman, stuck in his foolish ways, tried to bribe Death to leave him be. “Yet of my good will* I give thee, if thou will be kind—Yea, a thousand pound shalt though have—and defer*this matter another day.) (Everyman.120). However, worldly possessions mean nothing to Death. “ I set not by gold, silver, no riches, Ne* by pope, emperor, king, duke, ne prices; For, and * I would rather receive gifts, great, All the world I might get; But my custom* is clean contrary. I give thee no respite. Come hence, and not tarry.) (Everyman. 125) Death is not accepted by Everyman. He begins to ask Death if he can make things right with God and return to earth. Death tells Everyman that after he meets God, there is no return to earth, as this is impossible. The reader learns, that you only live once. What is done is done once an individual is called home. Everyman, is then introduced to Good Deed, who ask her sister Confession to accompany Everyman on his Journey because she is too weak to go. Once, Everyman meets confession, he is offered the chance to repent of all his sins which is a vital step of gaining eternal life with God. Once everyman has asked God for his forgiveness, Good Deed gains the strength to accompany Everyman to the end of his journey. By the end of his journey, Everyman is still freighted of death, however because of his prior repentance he is already forgiven by …show more content…

At first, Fellowship promises to remain with Everyman during his experience only to betray him in the end. Everyman did not want to face God’s judgement alone, but he seems to have no choice. The only thing Everyman has left are his world riches and beauty and eventually, those things parish as well. Everyman feels like he is alone until he completes his journey to meet God. After finally coming to terms with the fact that Death is unescapable, Everyman changes his life around.
A Deeper Understanding of Death in Everyman
While Everyman had to comes with terms the fact that Death is inevitable, he also had to face the fact that Death is also could not be denied. The character Death in Everyman not only represents the death of the physical body, it also means the ending of a life. If God had not sent Death to Everyman, Everyman’s soul would have continued to parish. Everyman would remain worldly and reckless. God is merciful and wants the best for his children.

In conclusion, the moral of Everyman is one that is vital to the Christian life style path. No man is perfect; However, God forgives those who repent to him with the purest of intentions. Good deeds also play a vital role in a Christians journey to eternity, A man that lives to serve his fellow man lives to serve God. One-day man will parish from his human body, however it is up to God to decide if that individual gets

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