The World Needs Population Control

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Today there are more than seven billion people living on Earth (Kuo 23). One billion of these people are on the verge of starvation, and even more have absolutely no access to sanitized water (Kuo 23-24). Some say that this is due to overpopulation. Having more people on earth proves the need for more food, water, housing, medication, and other necessities (Kuo 24). Though most people who read this paper will not encounter these problems, they happen all over the world (Cover 444). The world population has almost doubled since 1965 and is currently growing at a rate of more than 80 million people every year (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 557). This is causing the climate to change and unemployment to increase. The world is slowly depleting its resources, and something needs to be done about it (Cover 444; Kuo 24). It is essential that the world implement global population control policies such as family limitations.
It is obvious that the population has grown rapidly in the last 40 years, and this change has started to deny basic human needs to more than two billion of these people (Ehlrich and Ehlrich 557). Anywhere between 10 and 30 million children die every year from starvation because Earth has surpassed its food growing limits (Kuo 26) Global agriculture cannot possibly produce enough food for seven billion people to eat (Kuo 26). In addition, grain outputs per person have fallen an average of .6 percent every year since 1986 (Ehlrich and Ehlrich 557). This is because of the lack of new farmland. Too many people are taking up the farmable land for residential and industrial areas. If rapid population progression continues to occur, there is little hope for reestablishing growth in food output (Cover 445; Ehlrich and Ehlrich 558).

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