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Did the prophecies play an important role in the play’s plot in macbeth
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In the play Macbeth, even the secondary characters, such as Lady Macbeth, the witches, and MacDuff, expand and influence the meaning and plot in the play. Throughout the play, supernatural forces amuse themselves by deteriorating Macbeth. The witches proclaim the prophecies; which initiated Macbeth to be consumed by power. The prophecies are what initiate Macbeth’s actions into a tragedy. In addition, Macbeth does not interpret the prophecies accurately. Therefore, it causes him to act irrationally because of his greed and ambition. As a result of every time he encounters the witches, his characters confidence shapes positively. The witches are Macbeth's God, he listens to their every word, triggering him to shut out reality. Macbeth disregards The witches are in control of him. They determine his fate, the witches decide to play a game of writing out Macbeth’s life. Torturing him and causing his life to be meaningless they manipulate him, by announcing their prophecies in a discrete and complicated way. From the first meeting with Macbeth, the witches start to brainwash Macbeth with the exquisite news. They begin with him becoming the Thane of Cawdor and then later on the king himself. Excluding some very significant details as to how he will get there. The witches have a great influence on Macbeth’s life. Abolishing a human’s free will. God put humans on earth to generate and mould their own lives, to make their personal faults. Which isn’t reasonable because the witches have so much control over Macbeth. Leaving no room for Macbeth’s own mistakes. Listening to the witches is the downfall that is the effect of respecting the witches. Macbeth is essentially under a spell of acting dissolutely. Macbeth’s ambition causes him to drown in his own sorrow. Causing him to become insane from his guilt. His insanity began with viewing the ghost of Banquo. To gain the power, he must slaughter his king. Making this decision involves a lot of
When Macbeth becomes king he controls almost everyone, from servants to assassins. He even attempts to order the three witches to do his bidding. However, Macbeth’s actions and demeanor later in the play are the result of Lady Macbeth, who holds sway over her husband. It is she who at first coaxes and controls Macbeth, resulting in the change in his personality. The supernatural, in particular the three witches, exert control over both Macbeth and his lady. In fact, it is their influences that initiate the sequence of events, and are therefore an integral part of the play.
...hey ignite reactions that result in fate with an almost good-humored behavior. They give Macbeth knowledge that causes him to make decisions he would not and could not have made without that knowledge. To remove these three characters would remove the origin of the motivations of Macbeth's actions, from his murder of King Duncan to his own tragic defeat. Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff, Young Siward, Macbeth himself - they would all still be alive had the witches not awoken ambition and fear in Macbeth's heart. The “audience's [belief] of whether or not the witches actually have power over Macbeth influence their interpretation of whether his actions result from personal choice or from external influence” (Riedel 1). The witches are an important part of Macbeth's plot, as the information they reveal sets things in motion. They are the catalysts of Macbeth’s demise.
The witches caused much confusion throughout the play, to Macbeth and anyone associated with them. For instance, when the witches spoke to Banquo and Macbeth they said, Hail thee, thane of Glamis/ Hail thee, thee of Cawdor/ that shalt be king hereafter.” This statement was directed to Macbeth, but it very much confused him, as he was thane of Glamis, but not thane of Cawdor or certainly not king. Moments later he was to be crowned thane of Cawdor by King Duncan. The actions of King Duncan led Macbeth to believe he was going to become king. Lady Macbeth, when reading about Macbeth’s encounter with the witches, automatically devised a plan for Macbeth to become king. This plan involved killing the king, but to convince Macbeth that it was supposed to happen, she extremely criticized him and put him down on all thoughts. Her emasculation of him subjected him into thinking, killing the king was the only way to gain
The witches in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth serve to drive the story, advance tension, reveal weakness, and give the audience a hint of the things to come but they do not control Macbeth or anyone else in the play. The only power they have is the ability to reinforce ideas that have already been set in Macbeth’s head. Macbeth is the master of his own fate and he controls his own life. Many temptations are laid out before Macbeth. The way in which he deals with these temptations depends on his own moral strength.
In Macbeth the Witches are shown as being evil, conniving, and cruel. "Here I have a pilot’s thumb, wreck’d, as homeward he did come." The Witches play a major role in convincing Macbeth to kill Duncan. They give Macbeth and Bonquo three prophecies: "all hail Macbeth hail to thee, thane of Cawdor" "all hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter" "thou shalt get kings, though be none." Bonquo doesn’t take these prophecies seriously, but Macbeth shows some ambition for power. "If chance will have me king, why, chance will crown me." Macbeth becomes more dependent to the Witches. In Act 4 scene 1 Macbeth returns to the weird sisters, demanding what the future would bring. The Witches gave him three prophecies: "Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff, beware the thane of Fife." "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth" "Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill."
In William Shakespeare's famous play Macbeth, there are many reasons for Macbeth's gradual downfall. Numerous factors contributed to Macbeth's ruin, such as his own character flaws and his demanding wife, Lady Macbeth. The Three Witches, however, caused Macbeth the most trouble. First, the sisters stirred his dormant ambitions to be king. In addition to this, the witches' prophesies gave Macbeth a false sense of security. Finally, their predictions falsely led Macbeth to believe he would some day be happy. The Witches' contributed the most to Macbeth's destruction by first stirring his deep lying ambitions, also by giving him a false sense of security and finally, by allowing Macbeth to believe he would someday be content.
These actions highlight the women of the play as the greatest influences on the development of the plot and Macbeth’s demise. The three witches essentially lay out the foundation of the plot of the play in the prophecy that they present to Macbeth. Before their meeting with him, they already know how the Scottish civil war is progressing and how it will conclude. Because of their witchcraft, they know that Macbeth will soon become Thane of Cawdor, and also know how they can use this event to plant a desire for greater power in him, a desire for the throne.
The witches can not be the most powerful characters in the play or the catalyst to all of Macbeth’s crimes since he has the power of his free will to decide what he does. The witches did not force him to do anything, they only influenced what he did by bringing out his “dark side” and true ambitions. “And Fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling, show’d like a rebel’s whore: But all’s too weak: for brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name—disdaining Fortune, with his brandish’d steel, which smoked with bloody execution,” (Act 1 Scene 2 Lines 16-20) The Captain says that Macbeth should have been killed in battle but he was stronger than his fate is. This means that Macbeth has no one to blame but himself for his own death, actions and crimes.
showing that through the witches temptation not only is Macbeth destroyed the Kingdom is as well. They are part of the 'larger organism'. The witches also give misleading advice throughout the tragedy. This advice causes him to become scared and makes him feel as if he needs to kill more people to protect himself. This false sense of fate and power on his part is a major factor in his downfall. So, the witches influence Macbeth by causing his ascension, his madness, and his demise. They cannot thus compel his will to evil; but they do arouse his passions and stir up a vehement and inordinate apprehension of the imagination, which so perverts the judgment of reason that it leads his will toward choosing means to the desired temporal good.)
Macbeth is now filled with energy and false that he can defeat anybody, because the witches told him and everything that the witches said has been coming true so it must be true. “That lies like truth: “Fear not, till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane!” (5.5.44-45). The witches force Macbeth to feel invaluable, and cause him to his downfall, because he trusted them soo much.
instill in him the need to be King. Still, desire is not enough for Macbeth and he is thus driven "to seek certainty as his one objective. He wants certainty from the witches . . . at whatever cost" (Campbell 228). Macbeth, however, is not completely lost yet; honour and justice remain in him, and although it takes him some time to fully consider the consequences of the witches' words on him, he rejects his horrible thoughts of murder and postpones all action: "If chance will have me king, why,chance may crown me, / Without my stir" (I. iii.143-144). For the time being, Macbeth's true essence is in control, that of loyalty and honour.
The witches have a strong effect on Macbeth's character; they highly influence him in his accomplishments and awake his ambitions. They give Macbeth a false sense of security with their apparitions of truths. Instead they prove to be harmful for Macbeth who takes too much comfort and confidence in his interpretation of the truths. They are the ones who plant the actual idea of killing Duncan into Macbeth's mind. But if it were only the witches prophecies, then Macbeth surely would not have murdered the king. 'When you durst to do it, then you were a man,' (Macbeth, Shakespeare Act 1 Scene 7) Lady Macbeth's constant harassment pushed Macbeth and made him commit all this evil. When you reason things out by yourself you tend to now what is right and what is wrong, a conscience. But with the outside influence from the witches he thinks that that is his destiny and he must do everything to fulfill it. One can wonder if Macbeth ever had a chance of doing what was right after he met with the witches. He is overthrown and killed. Through his own ambitions, the ambition of his wife and the witches' prophesies, Macbeth has caused his own destruction and downfall. We can now clearly see that ambition not achieved through our own ability leads to destruction. 'Hail Thane of Glamis and of Cawdor and shalt be King hereafter'. (Act 1 Scene 3) These prophecies from three strangers are taken without question and probably without good judgment. Just the thought that he may be King clouds his thoughts and ambition takes over. The witches can predict the future, they can add temptation, and influence Macbeth, but they cannot control his destiny.
has sent to her, Lady Macbeth begins to plot and plan how Macbeth can become
He thinks that he has to make sure that the prophecy comes true by taking actions into his own hands. Macbeth becomes untrustworthy when the witches plant dangerously strong ambition in him, and his mind fills with evil. He transforms into someone who is thirsty for power and is unable to detach from his vile determination. He eventually becomes subverted by his blind
The witches influence Macbeth in his achievements and awaken his ambitions. They give him a false sense of security with their apportions of truths. The witches are the ones who made the idea of killing Duncan into Macbeth’s mind. They also told him that he would become thane of Cawdor and later would become king of Scotland. Macbeth wants to know more.