The Winter Of Our Disconnect

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Technology has always been a huge factor in today’s world. People are dependent on technology. Whether it’d be their cell phones, laptops, or ipad’s it goes with them everywhere. So, to begin to imagine a life without all of that is very hard. Especially when I grew up in the age of technology. In the book The Winter of Our Disconnect, a women and her three children go 6 months without technology. My reaction to this was at first really baffling. I was unsure how the children would react to it and even Maushart herself. She slept with her phone and also depended on other pieces of technology. At first they were fine with it, but then they got bored. However, that boredom was replaced with the discovery of one another and the world around …show more content…

There is a place and time for everything. I am overlooking the things that really matter in life all because I am focused on my phone or my laptop. I would not be able to do what the Maushart family did and survive to tell the story. A lot of things now these days revolve around technology and it’s almost impossible to try and avoid it. Personally, I wouldn’t do it. It’s a necessity in my life. I have work, school, girlfriend, and family. I keep in contact with them using not only my phone, but my laptop as well. I do homework and research on my laptop. My work requires us to use ipad’s as a use for ideas. My entire life revolves around technology, so to just stop using it all it would destroy my life. I think my dependence on technology has affected my leisure a lot. I remember when I was a little kid, I would do nothing, but be outside with my friends, from morning till night. I think about when life seemed easy and simple. I don’t do that at all now. I sit at home and watch TV, or play on my laptop. I don’t see my family or talk to my family as much even though they live under the same roof as I do. I would be getting better exercise and working out, but instead, technology has become a form of procrastination that prevents me from participating in leisure activities. Technology causes more problems for me then it

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