The Wife Speaks By Elizabeth Stoddard

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Marriage can be defined as an everlasting bond between two people. Two souls joining to form one. However, sometimes this bond can fade and the love that each person felt for one-another can dissipate and manifest into something uglier and darker than the warmth of love. In Elizabeth Stoddard’s poem The Wife Speaks, the speaker ponders her relationship and wonders what could be done to mend the void in her marriage to make it as it once was. Although the speaker’s current relationship is posing it be a challenge, though the use of a non-traditional structure, vivid imagery, and the emotional tone in this poem, the speaker coveys to the reader that though the sacrifices for marriage, the strive for perfection and the hope that things can get better, love will overcome and the unity with her husband will return. …show more content…

By using the non-traditional blank verse, Stoddard can setup a non-rhyming iambic pentameter that the reader can infer to be a reflection of the state of her marriage, with the stressed and unstressed syllables of this form, symbolizing the ups and downs of her marriage. The Stoddard also uses the tile to show that the speaker is presenting her proposition to her husband. The title hints to the reader these are her views on the matter, based on the context of the poem, by representing her incentive to change things for the better. By using the breaks in the poem, the dashes and semicolons, the speaker can create long, articulate sentences that act as questions to her husband, which can also be interpreted by the reader as how long and complex her relationship with her husband has

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