The Way I Read

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I read. I read a lot. That’s read, as in past tense. I used to read so much and I used to read everything. I distinctly recall reading an old advertisement with utmost enthusiasm to the mirth of my mother. I was young then, even younger than I am now. There was a regression though, I regret to relate. While I was young I read thick books, hardbacks heavier than all my knowledge. I would have a new one everyday. A bigger one, a heavier one, one more complex than the one before it. I was that girl. I read late into the night and it was the first thing I did in the morning. Fantasies were my favorite; stories where the heroes did the impossible. What else would I possibly read? Plain old fiction? Don’t be ridiculous. I lived reality, what do I …show more content…

For instance, as a child I read novels because, simply put, they were fun. I would imagine all the course of events and even think about what’s happening behind the scenes. Particularly, when I read stories that had sequels and after stories. I would spend endless amounts of time continuing the story in my own head, giving the heroes the ending they rightfully deserve or throwing them in precarious scenarios cause that’s just life. There were infinite endings that I could control and I absolutely ran wild with it. Reading did wonders for my imagination and the entertainment value was like no other. Similarly, I read comics with all the enthusiasm I could possibly muster. It was the coolest thing to me considering I was experiencing something created by someone across the ocean. Not to mention, I never experienced stories that showed me how to feel before. I read to learn and to relate and to explore a series of illustrations that beforehand I never knew existed. Considering how much of my own media I created based off of comics, it’s reasonable to say that the comics inspired something new in myself. I began to write and draw my own plots, nothing good of course, but as a middle schooler it was definitely a positive outlet. Last but not least, the history of the now. That, I experience, for a far greater reason. The ignorance of humanity is astounding. There is so much out there that is not known. If it weren’t for blog posts or the world wide web there would have been little to no chance of us discovering events beyond our neighborhood fences like the Ferguson Shooting (3) or the Venezuelan Protests(1) or even Donald Trump’s utter ignorance(5) despite him living in our very own White House! Media works to inform us and educate us on anything one could possibly be interested. In illustration, there’s entire threads based off of questions people may have about anything. In fact, I

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