The Variety and Range of Enobarbus' Dramatic Contribution to the Play Antony and Cleopatra

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The Variety and Range of Enobarbus' Dramatic Contribution to the Play Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare uses Enobarbus in a number of ways during the play 'Antony and Cleopatra'. Primarily his strong fraternal bond with Antony allows Shakespeare to reveal Antony's inner thoughts and feelings to a loyal and trusted counsellor. But he has more significance than simply as an 'ear' or a shoulder to lean on for Antony. He also acts as a go-between for the audience expressing support, doubts, caution and warmth as occasion requires. He is a man of intellect, experience, perception, intuition and often Shakespeare uses him to anticipate future events and comment on past follies. At times Shakespeare gives Enobarbus great poetry and at other times the cynical prose of the realist. Shakespeare uses Enobarbus's betrayal of Antony and subsequent death to intensify the feeling of the tragedy as the play draws to a close. The first time Enobarbus begins to build his character is in I,ii, where Antony is talking to him about how he must leave Egypt and go to Rome. This is when we notice the extent of Enobarbus and Antony's fraternity with one another. Shakespeare shows Enobarbus to be more respected through juxtaposition. He juxtaposes an area of speech where Antony is rash and rude to a messenger with a part where he is seeking advice from Enobarbus. This is a dramatic contrast and therefore allows us to see, very clearly how much Enobarbus means to Antony. "well, what worst?" Antony snaps at the messenger, in this small line all the words begin with 'W' t... ... middle of paper ... ...e noble way, by falling on his sword. His last words were 'Antony' which illustrates his love and bond he had with Antony. Enobarbus's death is made so poignant and tragic because of what it symbolises. Enobarbus has always been a voice of reason and wisdom to Antony and his death meant that Antony was imminently doomed. The reason it is so tragic is because of the love the audience has for Enobarbus, and we get that love from watching all his other sides. The showman; the drinking partner; the wise foreseer; the shoulder to lean on; the good friend and the noble soldier are all sides that appeal to us and make us connect with Enobarbus so when he dies we all despair. Therefore the range of Enobarbus is all of these things and there contribution to the play is effectively a sense of poignancy, regret and tragedy.

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