The Value Of College Education Essay

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Value of a college education Everyone seems to have a different view of what college does for an individual. Some have a negative view while others have a more positive view. There are those who don’t believe in getting a college education because they deem it a waste of time and money. Not so long ago college was more for elite students rather than everyone. Now days its pushed onto every high schooler to attend college. It’s more shamed upon if one does not attend college. Shaming maybe going to far but attending college is not something to look down upon. The value of college education is an ever-growing factor of what ones future might be. Debt, anomalies, and stress are a few reasons why some refuse to accept college. One of the first things that come up when talking about the value of college is student loans. Most will agree that college tuition and student living has gone up a considerable amount within the last decade or so. These price ranges deter some from going to college because they don’t want to pay back loans their whole life. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) ( for an education at a four year institution on average it cost $18,110 for a public institutions and $36,589 for a private institution per year. Looking at these numbers one might faint due to what they believe is the high cost of education. Comparing the two side by side one is more than People who made huge success for them self and did not attend college or dropped out of college such as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. There is no denying that having success and changing the world it only takes one idea. However the chances are extremely small of it truly happening. Steve Jobs or Bill Gates dropped out of college but they know that they aren’t normal and to work for them you need a

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