The Use of U-Boats and submarines in World War I

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U-boats played an extremely significant role in World War I and were the main reason that the Americans joined the war. German U-boats were a more advanced form of a submarine. U-boats allowed Germany to gain ground, but ultimately caused their downfall. The u-boat became the prime weapon because it could easily spot its enemies and fire, but stay undetected. This powerful weapon resulted in many German sea victories which would have been otherwise impossible because the British navy was the strongest in the world. On February 4, 1915 the Germans declared unrestricted submarine warfare around the British isles. Therefore, any ship was vulnerable to the attack by the u-boats. Merchant vessels were now prime targets. By attacking merchants Germans were able to cut off much of the supplies being imported to Britain. In addition, some passenger ships happened to be hit, including one carrying Americans. President Woodrow Wilson found this unacceptable and demanded the Germans stop unrestricted warfare. They agreed at first, but soon continued the campaign and the Americans were forced to join the war. The Americans helped to aid the depleting British supplies and fight off Germany. Not only did this cause the Americans join the war, but Mexico was called on by Germany for aid (because their army wasn’t strong enough to take on America too). In return Germany offered to help retrieve New Mexico and Texas. Because of this the war got much larger than intended and rightfully earned the name of “World” War I. Though the Germans lost the war, they were almost successful with the u-boat campaign and destroyed 11 million tons of shipping. Because of this success submarine warfare was reintroduced to the world after previously thought to be ...

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...lightly built merchant ships in one hit. This weapon made the u-boat an even more intimidating oponent, with an unexpected deadly strike at any minute.

Works Cited

“U.S. Ultimatum to Germany Regarding Unrestricted U-Boat Warfare, 18 April 1916.”
2009. First World War. Mar 18 2014, 6:14 /uboat1916_usultimatum.html

“Submarine Warfare in World War I” Cityofart.Net. Mar 21 2014, 10:23. http://www.cityofart

“U-boat War in World War One.” Lowrey, Michael, Dufeil, Yves, Johan, Ryheul, and Helgason,
Guðmundur. Uboat.Net. Mar 17, 7:24.

“Germans unleash U-boats.” 2014. The History Channel website. Mar 18 2014, 6:07. Dooly, William G. Great Weapons of World War 1. New York: Bonanza books. Print.

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