The Us Healthcare Policies And Insurance

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Body: Healthcare Policies & Insurance


The US healthcare system is focused on a mixed insurance system with both private and public insurance institution. The health insurance system also relies heavily on employment. It depends heavily on corporations and employees to be key sponsors for insurance. This has led to many companies going bust as they are unable to sustain the amount of funds required just to keep their employee’s insurance policies going. Insurance has become so profitable that there are more than a thousand private companies that want to share this very profitable business. These companies are also not regulated on a country level. The profit-targeting companies have also come up with many overlapping and unnecessary policies to fully utilize the loophole in the American healthcare system. These are all in addition to the public insurance policies such as Medicare: covers elders, disable and end stage renal diseases, and Medicaid: children, war veterans and self-employees. As of 2015, 15% of the population is without insurance; one of the major reason is due to the people not having sufficient knowledge on their eligibility.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was implemented in 2010 has made an impact in the healthcare system in the US. It has also drastically reduced the number of Americans that does not have paid insurance. In 2014, it has also imposed a tax penalty on companies of a certain size that does not provide insurance and individuals without existing personal insurance. This however has caused many small and medium-sized companies to go bust, benefiting only the major multi-corporation companies that are able to provide internal insurance. This has helped to reduce the number of people without ins...

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...e able to replicate. It is also not just a bed of roses in Singapore, there is still insufficient coverage for post-retirement healthcare. The system also gives great advantage to people with high income as the amount of money in the HSA is proportionate to the amount of money earned by an individual.


In conclusion, I believe that in smaller nations like Singapore, it always for policies and the government to be able to efficiently change what needs to be improved upon. The strict rules, the mentality within the individuals and the structure of the nation also play a big part in the success of the Singapore healthcare system. In countries like the US, they should carry out policies on a state to state basis and cater to the different communities according to their needs. It is hard to impose a one-off solution to a play as diverse as the United States.

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