The Two-Party Should Be Abolished

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In modern US democracy, a major issue has sprouted from a centuries old institution, the two-party system has enabled selfish psychopaths and decrepit old men to infiltrate and corrupt this country. The American people are blinded by truly insightful critical thinking because they automatically vote for whoever identifies with the same party as them. For years and years politicians have used this to their advantage, knowing they can say any vague anecdote promoting their values and the crowd will cheer without a second thought. In the spirit of true democracy, the two-party system must be abolished. The father of our country knows this, George Washington. In his salient farewell address, he warns us about the dangers of political parties, he …show more content…

More than $14 billion was spent by or on behalf of Biden and Trump during the 2020 elections. In 2020 to 2022 alone $242 million added to national debt from just political campaigning, with the US Federal Budget Deficit at 1.917 trillion and the amount of spending on campaigning expected to double within the next year. Politicians also receive millions of dollars from anonymous “dark money” groups, President Joe Biden received almost $132 million from these groups, while President Elect Donald Trump received $22 million. If politicians were forced to run independently, they would only have the funding of donors, their own money, their values and their policies. Without flashy campaigns to back them up, these men would fall to the wayside while people with new, better, values and ideas, take their place. This is closer to the ideal of democracy than we have had in decades, without any party for the people to default to, it allows them to support a candidate that can represent them fully instead of a rich old man trying to play to their vulnerabilities and values. Many independents make it to the general election only to be immediately shut out by Democratic and Republican candidates, a truly virtuous homegrown candidate will never make it against an already established politician whose pockets are lined with taxpayer dollars within the current system. A party-free system (or the absence of a system entirely) evens the playing field, allowing a true man of the people to rise from the American

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