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Essays about the old testament
Analysis of the old testament
Literary analysis of a biblical text
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At first glance a story of the Bible may appear to be just that, a simple story; however, when one does more than simply read the story, there are a plethora of underlying meanings to be found. Reading the Bible in search of its meanings can sometimes be confusing, which results in several different interpretations and raises many arguments amongst the readers. When reading the Bible, “it is necessary to apply tools of critical reading to find out what God wants to communicate with us,” (Smith-Christopher, 28). In order to figure out what God wants to communicate, one must use hermeneutics, the science of interpretation. Hermeneutics helps to steer the Bible’s readers in the correct direction by presenting methods that serve to assist their interpretation. Exegesis, one method of interpretation, is the process of determining the meaning of a text in the context of its composition. “To analyze something by its context involves looking at the circumstances in which it occurs,” (Smith-Christopher, 34). By understanding the circumstances in which the story is written one can infer what the author may have been thinking and what affect those thoughts may have taken on the story. An additional method in hermeneutics is the historical-critical method, the method of interpretation which asks critical questions of the text regarding history, language, genre, etc. The historical-critical method helps in furthering one’s interpretation of the bible by asking what the history was like, what language the texts was originally written in and what the genre of the story is. As the reader, one must also take into account what God meant when he inspired the author to write the stories. “In order for us to interpret Scripture correctly, we must pay... ... middle of paper ... ...Exodus: History or Mythic Tale? - My Jewish Learning." Judaism & Jewish Life - My Jewish Learning. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. . 4) Shane. "Was Moses Really the Writer of Exodus? :: July :: 2009." EEC Blog. 11 July 2009. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. . 5) "Introduction to Exodus." Home | ESV Study Bible | Crossway. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. . 6) Friedman, Richard. Who Wrote the Bible? San Fransisco. HarperSanFrancisco, 1997. 7) Dozeman, Thomas B (2009). Commentary on Exodus. Eerdmans. 8) Fretheim, Terence E (1991). Exodus. Westminster John Knox Press. 9) Houston, Walter J (1998). “Exodus”. In John Barton. Oxford Bible Commentary. Oxford University Press.
It is the reader and his or her interpretive community who attempts to impose a unified reading on a given text. Such readers may, and probably will, claim that the unity they find is in the text, but this claim is only a mask for the creative process actually going on. Even the most carefully designed text can not be unified; only the reader's attempted taming of it. Therefore, an attempt to use seams and shifts in the biblical text to discover its textual precursors is based on a fundamentally faulty assumption that one might recover a stage of the text that lacked such fractures (Carr 23-4).
Moses is characterized as a hard-working man who is very kind and intimate with nature. He is the last worker out in the fields on many days and he is extremely comfortable outside in nature. In Edward P. Jones’ excerpt from The Known World, the character of Moses is developed through the imagery that is used, the third person point of view, and the details that Jones chooses to use.
N.T Wright (2008) stated that “When we read the scriptures as Christians, we read it precisely as people of the new covenant and of the new creation” (p.281). In this statement, the author reveals a paradigm of scriptural interpretation that exists for him as a Christian, theologian, and profession and Bishop. When one surveys the entirety of modern Christendom, one finds a variety of methods and perspectives on biblical interpretation, and indeed on the how one defines the meaning in the parables of Jesus. Capon (2002) and Snodgrass (2008) offer differing perspectives on how one should approach the scriptures and how the true sense of meaning should be extracted. This paper will serve as a brief examination of the methodologies presented by these two authors. Let us begin, with an
Robinson, B. A. (2008, March 30). Books of the Hebrew Scripture . Retrieved May 7, 2011, from Religious Tolerance: http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_otb3.htm
Even though, considered as an African-American, I begin to read the book of Exodus from an African’s perspective. I mention this because even though somewhat Americanized, I still consider myself purely African at heart and soul. A business and minors in both French and Psychology at a predominantly white college also play a role in my understanding of the book of Exodus. Living in a white suburban neighborhood plays a major role on how I perceive a potentially liberating biblical text. Making the life changing move from Togo to the United States has also shapes my understanding of Exodus as whole.
A historical critical exegesis is a critical interpretation or analysis of religious texts such as the bible. When interpreting the historical component we are gathering an idea of the historical situations which gave rise to the texts as the authors often reflect their own historical context and have composed their writings to address people within their own socio-cultural background within that period of time. The critical component would include “an analysis of the book in terms of its form(s) or genre(s) or type(s) of literature” which each have its own unique patterns that contribute to probabilities in determining how a particular piece of literature developed and should be interpreted.
Harris, Stephen. Understanding The Bible. 6 ed. New York City: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2002. Print.
Douglas Stuart, Exodus, NAC, vol. 2 (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, (2006), 20. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.
The New Interpreter's Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. Nashville: Abingdon Press, ©2003.
There are many ways to study the bible and biblical hermeneutics is one way but even this gets broken down into different styles of studying. There is the most consistent use of the method of Bible study known as the Historical-Grammatical-Lexical Method, but there are so many more. Some are the Allegorical method, hermeneutics of the reformation era, hermeneutics of the early church fathers, post-reformation protestant hermeneutics and sociological hermeneutics. There are many more but these are the ones that are focused on in this paper. Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible.
The following paper examines a close reading of the figure of Moses in Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy with respect to the issue of why he is barred from entering the Promised Land of Canaan as well as in the Quran. Moreover, after considering the stories and character of Moses in these respective texts, I will then analyze the two accounts in order to examine their similarities and differences.
LaSor, W., Hubbard, D., Bush, F., & Allen, L. (1996). Old Testament survey: The message, form, and background of the Old Testament (2nd ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans
In this paper I am trying to find out what true Biblical exegesis means. By finding that truth then I and the person reading this paper can leave with an understand-ing on how to comprehend the content of exegesis. Through out my paper you will see noted some of my sources. I have carefully read these books and have selected the best ones to fit the purpose of this document. I will be exploring many areas of exegesis and will be giving you a brief overview of these and then explaining different uses for exegesis.
The first three readings (and I’d say all the readings for today) invite us to reflect more deeply and differently about issues and biblical texts. Our readings demand us to be critical of the interpretative frameworks, presuppositions, and historical-socio-cultural location not only of biblical authors but also examine overall “interpretative tendencies” that lie behind ancient and modern interpreters. Before us are various ways of thinking, looking, experiencing and interpreting the text. How do we differ from ancient readers? And in what ways could we possibly have in common?
The Holy Bible. Introd. and notes by Bruce Metzger. Grand Rapids: Grand Rapids MI, 1989. Print. Zondervan. Authorized New Revised Standard Version.