The Three Branches Essay

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The three branches of the american government rated on a scale of 1 to 10 are about a 7. The government is rated a seven because they're constantly working together. The three branches are so well put together its amazing. Although there are some problems within the three branches, the three branches are made to never fail with systems like checks and balances, judicial review and veto. These systems play a key role in making the branches function as well as they do. The thought that something so old is so strong in keeping this country together is truly mind blowing. All of these Branches were made in the articles of the constitution . The articles were written in the year 1787 and we still live by these articles today. The articles were written by the framers (James madison, thomas jefferson, george washington and many others. This document covered such much for its time and continues to cover things because of things like the elastic clause. The elastic clause is a statement in the Constitution granting Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying …show more content…

Since the people mainly decide on things , we live in what is known as a democracy. A democracy is a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections. Our Government responds to the people and is for the people which is called popular sovereignty. Now Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives who are the source of all political power. This basically just says that the people have ultimate power over the government. We vote for the president to represent our country and we vote for Representatives to represent each state , and only from people who live in that state. We also vote for 2 members for the senate per state. Both of these two houses from

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