The Things They Carried Character Analysis

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It is often said that the eyes are windows to the soul or one's essence. However, in the story “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien a part of the character’s essence is showcased in the things they carried. Items that may seem insignificant to others can be a vitrine to a person’s true essence. As a high school student the items I carry can be easily dismissed as items most teenagers would have. Even so, as the owner such items I can say the things I carry holds a part of my true essence. When one is as young as I am there are pieces of my essence that will not stay with me throughout my whole life, but there are some pieces that will outlast the others. Stubbornness is one of those pieces as I have been stubborn even when I was born and …show more content…

As a little girl I looked up to my mother and strove to become like her. There was one specific thing that I remember from my mother during my childhood and that was a necklace with her first initial given to her by my father during their courting. When the time came and I was old and responsible enough for jewelry I had asked her for a necklace similar to hers with my first initial. Her response to me was the usual you should earn everything you own and I did exactly that with my academic success in elementary school. The truth is I never really wanted the necklace that desperately, but my stubbornness to give up something that I wanted kept me going. Stubbornness, it can used to keep persevering despite hardships, but a character in “The Things They Carried” shows that it can also be a trait that can negatively impact a person; that character was Norman. Norman stubbornness kept him from talking about his experience about the war because he believed no one would understand and in the end it became his undoing (O’Brien, 131-148). A part of one’s essence and in my case stubbornness can be reflected in multiple items be it small and plain items like my necklace or something larger and more expensive like my

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