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Violence on women
Violence on women
Research why women stay in violent relationships
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Recommended: Violence on women
Pamela Cooper-White’s, The Cry of Tamar, was an emotional read for myself, from cover to cover Pamela touches my heart beat and the desire to reach a hurting group of women. Not only did this book have the potential of being an emotional read, it hit areas that our true to my life. I believe that violence that happens against women, does not go without causing the ripple effect and in the end touching many lives more than just the victim. A little background history of the urgency this book places in my heart towards the broken. I grew up in a single parent home, my mom divorced my adulterous abusive father after she (and inadvertently us) experienced some injurious abuse leaving her hospitalized. This was just the beginning of the violence I would experience and see as a ‘women’ in this world. Now a child of a single parent home, the violence was turned towards me, first starting with my brother’s endless abuse, not your average sibling rivalry, rather pretending to drown me, suffocate me, sitting on me. As my brother became harder to control, it was my mom’s abuse towards the two of us physical, mental and the neglect. As my mother’s boyfriend moved in with us, then begin more of the abuse …show more content…
First off, I was raped by the man I was separated from, he was a volunteer fireman, and good friends with all the policemen. Myth #9 states “Most women are raped by a stranger in a desolate place”, fact is, I was raped by my estranged husband in my children’s playroom (Cooper-White, 116). Myth #7 stating that women use it as a form of revenge, it was truth and not revenge. As a rape victim, it was hard to get anyone to believe me due to his connections with the police force, his great lawyer and the fact that he was my husband, Cooper-White talks about spousal rapes in this chapter as
... Joyce Dorado. "Who Are We, But For The Stories We Tell: Family Stories And Healing." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, And Policy 2.3 (2010): 243-249. PsycARTICLES. Web. 2 May 2014.
Denise is a counselor with a graduate degree who works with many battered women. She is sensitive to vulnerable individuals who have experienced racism, sexism, mental health issues, and are economically disadvantaged. Denise also has had personal experiences of trauma including poverty and racism, similar to her clients. The novel suggests through the settings and the narrative that her trauma and that of others is a personal affair. Each person processes trauma in different ways. It is difficult to assign a general meaning of trauma without considering ones backgrounds, resources, and experience.
“We aren’t the weeds in the crack of life. We’re the strong, amazing flowers that found a way to grow in the challenging conditions.” (McElvaney, 1057) The book entitled “Spirit Unbroken: Abby’s Story,” offers a perspective on child abuse providing a positive outlook on a tragic situation. Even in the best of circumstances, however, victims of abuse can see the effects of the trauma for the rest of their life. For each individual person affected by this form of trauma, the reactions can vary. The same type of abuse in two different people can have very different outcomes – one could be that of coping, and the other a life of brokenness. Especially at impressionable ages, any form of abuse can be a hindrance in living a normal life. Children
In the book, Outgrowing the Pain: A Book For and About Adults Abused as Children, Dr. Eliana Gil discusses the causes and effects of traumatic experiences adults abused as children have undergone during their childhood. Throughout the book, Dr. Gil introduces various types of abuse within the family such as emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. Furthermore, Dr. Gil explains how to guide these once mistreated adults to understand and cope with each situation.
Writing is generally referred to as being a hard to endure, long-lasting task, but my practice has changed and improved over the duration of this course. The choice to write these types of stories stemmed from my interactions with young women who had given up on life because they felt no cared about them or those who had become completely emotionless so that they wouldn’t be taken advantage of again. In a paper for Creative Research Journal, Charlotte Doyle writes, “Like other creative endeavours, the creative process in fiction writing is a voyage of discovery but differs from most other arts in one of its major modes of thoughts- narrative improvisation, a non-reflective mode that typically involves stances in a fiction world from viewpoints different from one’s own” (1998). The general advice given to writers is to write what they know; emotional abuse is something I know a little about from experience. Transferring that knowledge into a narrative that would appeal to readers in a way that would allow them empathize with those women was my
Domestic violence can come in various forms such as physical, mental, and verbal abuse. In the novel the most vulnerable victims to go through this experience was the women and children. The mother, Beatrice, first- hand experience this abuse from her husband and endures it in silence. In this type of culture the women become part of their husbands, their identities in society are their husbands (Fwangyil, 262). Beatrice undergoes several miscarriages at the hands of her husband. For example, one evening the children witnessed their mother hanging over their father’s shoulders and “trickle[s] of blood, which trailed away” (Adichie, 33). Even through all the abuse and miscarriage’s, she continues to defend her husband to the end. Women during
It is not a topic that is brought up often, especially at schools or at gatherings, yet it is crucial that everyone be educated, or at least informed on a topic that affects women every day. “Given that sexual violence continues to occur at high rates in the United States, it is vital that we understand attitudes and cultural norms that serve to minimize or foster tolerance of sexual violence” (Aosved, 481). Growing rates of sexual violence goes to prove that it is not taken seriously by many, especially when myths excuse the actions of the perpetrator and instead guilt victims into thinking they are responsible for the horrible act. Burt (1980), in her article titled, “Cultural myths and support for rape” attempts to make sense of the importance of stereotypes and myths, defined as prejudicial, stereotypes, or false beliefs about rape, rape victims and rapists- in creating a climate hostile to rape victims (Burt, 217). Examples of rape myths are such sayings as “only bad girls get raped”; “women ask for it”; “women cry rape” (Burt, 217). This only goes to prove that rape myths against women always blame and make it seem like it is the women’s fault she was raped and that she deserved it for “acting” a certain way. McMahon (2007), in her article titled, “Understanding community-specific rape myths” explains how Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) later described rape myths as “attitudes and beliefs that are generally
The attempts the women tries so to be in vain till the end when it over boils. The women set herself free in the only way she knew how. Sometimes when people are in tight situation, or when their goals are being blocked, they react even when it doesn’t make sense. The women reacted to being closed up and oppressed and, to her family, it didn’t make
When faced with a life altering situation although Molly’s characteristics and personality aid her in courageously defying them, the effects of facing this traumatic event will lead to long term psychological repercussions. When severe harm is inflicted on a person’s psyche, it is viewed as an emotional trauma (Levers, 2012). The emotional harm inflicted on Molly’s psyche originates from different dimensions; like her upbringing, her trauma is multidimensional too. As a child of the Indigenous community, whose ancestors and elders were killed violently in inter-group conflicts, and whose children were forcefully removed from families, Molly is would experience intergenerational trauma (Atkinson, 2002). Intergenerational trauma is trauma passed down from one generation to another; as a close knitted community group, the grief experienced by family members of losing their loved ones, would have been transferred across generations (Atkinson,
“Rape Myths and Facts.” Student’s Center for Health. West Virginia University. Web. The Web.
Traditional or common knowledge views of rape portray the act as something a crazy stranger commits on another stranger. However, this is simply not the case. The vast majority of rapes, sometimes up to 70%, involve a victim who was previously known to the offender (Woods and Porter 2008). The data does not totally support this view, however. This is because only an estimated 18% of acquaintance rape is reported to the police (Woods and Porter 2008). For comparative purposes, an estimated 79% of stranger rape is reported. Research suggests that each type of forcible rape has a more frequent setting (Woods and Porter 2008). When a rape happens indoors, the victim is more likely to have had a close personal relationship with the offender (Woods and Porter 2008). In fact, the rape usually occurs in either the offender’s or victim’s home (Woods and Porter 2008). The National Institute of Justice reports that women are raped dramatically more than men are; 18% of women report being raped at least once in their life, in contrast to just the 3% of men who report being raped in their lifetime (Tjaden and Thoennes 2006). Of minority groups, 34% of American-Indian women report being raped in their lifetime, the highest percentage of any group; the lowest percentage is Pacific Islander women, of whom only 7% report being raped in their lifetime (Tjaden and Thoennes 2006). The data suggests that rape occurs at an early age. Nearly a quarter of female rape victims and nearly one half of male rape victims were younger than 12 years old when first raped (Tjaden and Thoennes 2006). The percent of victims first raped when younger than 18 years of age is nearly three quarters for men and over half for women (Tjaden and Thoennes 2006). “Women who w...
Many of the attitudes, beliefs, and mistaken ideas about rape have been with us for centuries. By looking at myths, such as “women ask for it,” and “it would do some women good to get raped,” from a historical perspective, lead us for better understanding how they evolved. Women are still seen as the property of men, are protected as such. Men and women are still taught to occupy very different roles in today’s world. Men are usually more aggressive, and women are seen as passive. (Vogelman) This socialization process is changing, but slowly.
Throughout her piece she discusses her personal struggles and successes while weaving in informative bits of data. Both Grisham and O’Rourke effectively balance emotional appeals, character, and rationale trying to move their readers from a condition of lack of care to compassion, and maybe even to action.
Many of the attitudes, beliefs, and mistaken ideas about rape have been with us for centuries. By looking at myths, such as “women ask for it,” and “women secretly enjoy rape,” from a historical perspective, can lead us for better understanding how they evolved. Much stems back to the idea that women are still seen as the property of men, and are protected as such. Men and women are still taught to occupy very different roles in today’s world. Men a...
Webster’s Dictionary describes rape as the crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse. Rape is a crime in which most women cannot defend themselves. The fear of rape plagues every woman at some point or another in her life. The traumatic effects of rape vary from mild to severe, from psychological to physical. This paper will evaluate rape, as well as the effects it has on women, the theory behind male dominance and patriarchy, and differences in demographics.