The Tell Tale Heart Rhetorical Analysis

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• Psychological
• Are there prominent words in the piece of that could have different or hidden meanings?
Opening Statement:
• Sounds play a vital role in parts of life, whether it be lovely or frustrating, it can lead one to commit serious conflicts.
Topic sentence:
• The short story, The Tell-Tale Heart written by Edgar Allan Poe, is about an individual who eventually murders an old man because he did not like the old man’s fake eye.
• The narrator feels extremely uncomfortable after allegedly hearing the old man’s heartbeat during the investigation for the murder of the old man. This leads the narrator to make poor choices which change his fate.
Listing Arguments:
• After hearing the old man’s heart beat …show more content…

• In the story, The Tell-Tale Hearts, the narrator states, “No doubt I now grew very pale; --but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice” (Poe 3).
• This clearly elaborates on how the narrator struggles to look relaxed and calm after hearing the old man’s heart beat.
• The narrator knows that he will have to face various consequences for committing a murder, hence, he tries his best to look normal.
• The narrator tries to hide his facial expression by sharpening his style of talking to the investigators. However, the narrator constantly hears the sounds in his subconscious mind, which affects his facial expression during the investigation for the murder of the old man.
• Therefore, the sounds of the old man impact the narrator negatively as he struggles to look calm and relaxed when he constantly hears the sounds and feels guilty.
Concluding Statement:
In conclusion, the old man’s heartbeat heard in the narrator’s subconscious mind negatively impacts him as it changes his behaviour.

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