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Cultural significance of the taj mahal
Cultural significance of the taj mahal
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One of the world’s greatest love stories produced a timeless monument. The structure’s sheer beauty inspired poetic words from the builder himself. The monument is an engineering marvel that has been studied by scholars and historians alike. Visitors throughout history have been infatuated by the shrine’s elegance. Count Hermann Keyserling describes the monument as, "A massive marble structure, without weight, as if formed of ether, perfectly rational and at the same time entirely decorative (Taj Mahal, 2008).Keyserling went on to say, “It is perhaps the greatest art work which the forming spirit of mankind has ever brought forth (Taj Mahal, 2008)." An American novelist, Bayard Taylor referred to this structure as a castle in the air (Taj Mahal, 2008). Constructed as a tomb for the emperor’s deceased wife, the Taj Mahal stands as one of the greatest manmade creations in the history of the world.
The travel website, Taj Mahal, illustrates the origins of this monument. It was constructed to serve as a memorial and tomb for Mumtaz Mahal, the deceased wife of the emperor Shah Jahan (Taj Mahal, 2008). Before her death, while birthing Shah Jahan’s fourteenth child, she requested Jahan build a monument to honor her as stated by the Taj Mahal website (Taj Mahal, 2008). In 1631, construction began, and was finally completed twenty-two years later (Taj Mahal, 2008). Twenty-two thousand workers labored in constructing the monument bringing materials by elephant from many parts of Asia (Taj Mahal, 2008). The web site Islamic Architecture lists the Iranian architect Ustad Ahmed Lahwari as the key designer of the structure; however other architects played prominent roles in the monument’s design (Organization, 1995-2003).Over time, the esti...
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...ks Cited
(2007). Retrieved Feb 11, 2012, from The Taj Mahal the tear on the cheek of history: http://www.thetajmahalindia.com/tajmahalinformation.html
(2008). Retrieved 11 2012, Feb, from Taj Mahal: http://www.tajmahal.org.uk/
Archaeological Survey of India. (n.d.). Retrieved Feb 11, 2012, from http://asi.nic.in/asi_monu_whs_agratajmahal.asp
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Organization, I. A. (1995-2003). Retrieved Feb 11, 2012, from Islamic Architecture: http://www.islamicart.com/library/empires/india/taj_mahal.html
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When showing how much people care about something, nothing pales in comparison than a monument. Monuments are great buildings that commemorates an amazing moment or event, making it frozen in time forever. Whether it be a statue of an individual or a humongous obelisk right next to a gigantic reflection pool, monuments surround our nation. When creating one of these amazing structures, groups and individuals must consider the specific details of dimensions, materials, and reasoning. If they are able to fulfill all of the requirements for the monument, they will be able to pay proper tribute or recognition for the event.
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The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World demonstrate individuals’ incredible creativity and imagination. God, of course, is responsible for these creations as He is the one who blessed mankind with such imagination and creativity. Some of these amazing pieces of history include the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, and the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The complex architectural feats that each wonder displays are truly remarkable. However, six of these wonders have unfortunately been destroyed. The only structure that remains is the Great Pyramid of Giza. When observing this great ancient wonder, it is interesting to consider its general facts, theories of construction, and strategies of preservation.
The Taj Mahal, which translates to “Crown Palace” is a very significant monument and regarded as one of the best in the world. It is actually a mausoleum where both the bodies of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal are found. It was built from 1631 till 1648 AD in Agra, India (History of Taj Mahal). Architects from all around the world were ordered to come to India and build this Taj Mahal by the order of the Mughal, Shah Jahan (History of Taj Mahal). He built this to honor his wife after her death while she was giving birth to their child (History of Taj Mahal). Her last words for Shah Jahan was to build a tomb in her memory that the world has never seen before, and so he did what she asked for (History of Taj Mahal). Later on, the grave of Shah Jahan was added to the Taj Mahal.
...des us with a glimpse into the ancient culture using beautiful and detailed designs. The art form has been sustained in fired clay for thousands of years indiscriminately telling its story to the world and to history.
Across cultures, continents, and worlds, the majority of things within the scope of our very own humanity can be boiled down to two things: those who are dominant, and those who get dominated. Within these statuses lie stories of power struggles, rebellion, the rising and falling of those with influence, and the interconnection between a being with power and the people under his ruling. Through the visual works catered to this subject, we will discuss themes such as the power of immortalization, divinity amongst humans, what it really means to be a ruler, and many other details making up the ever-present, multifaceted relationship between rulers and their subject. With the assistance of the Blanton Museum of Art, I will be able to showcase
Has it ever crossed your mind that the oldest and only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World was built in times that predated any modern technology? Doesn't it seem almost impossible? There are three Pyramids of Giza, the first one was commissioned in Ancient Egypt by the Pharaoh Khufu, around the year 2540 BCE. They are located in Giza, Egypt, and take on this name. Standing 488 ft tall, they were once the tallest buildings in the world, for many hundreds of years. The site is one of the most famous worldwide, receiving millions of tourists each year. The Pyramid of Giza is extremely significant because of its enormous scale and the many people needed to construct it, along with the methods used to do so.
I think a gigantic funerary mosque of white marble, built in Agra by order of the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, the Taj Mahal is the most perfect jewel of Moslem art in India and is one of the universally admired architectures of the world’s heritage. Not only see the beautiful Taj Mahal from the video, I also knew the history of itself and its country. A white marble tomb sums up many of the formal themes that have played through Islamic architecture. The video did talk a lot of how much Shah Jahan himself and his father loved art and made many gorgeous artworks. Taj Mahal’s refined style is a conspicuous contrast to the Hindu architecture of pre-Islamic India, with its thick walls, arches, and heavy supports. Even though Taj Mahal is the symbol of grief and sadness, it still has it beauty looks from marble and sand stone.
It includes the Chandra Mahal and Mubarak Mahal palaces and other buildings, is a palace in Jaipur, the capital of the Rajasthan state, India. The palace lies in the heart of jaipur city.It was the thrown of the Maharaja of Jaipur, the head of the Kachwaha Rajput clan. The Chandra Mahal palace now houses a museum, but the greatest part of it is still a royal residence. The palace complex, it incorporates an impressive and vast array of courtyards, gardens and buildings. Mubarak Mahal, meaning the 'Auspicious Palace', was built with a fusion of the Islamic, Rajput and European architectural styles in the late 19th century by Maharaja Madho Singh II as reception centre. It is a museum; a fine repository of variety of textiles such
Choga Zambil and Djeser-Djeseru are not as well known today as buildings such as the Empire State Building or St. Peter’s Basilica, but when they were originally constructed each was respectively possibly the greatest monument of its time. While the structures may have had formal differences, both were meant to show the power and strength of their creators. They both do this through their size and the architectural choices made in their construction which reference the past while pointing towards the future and innovation.
The ancient world was truly a wonderful and interesting thing. Mankind developed and evolved greatly during this time. Also during this time, many advancements in technology helped lead to great master architecture. The Great Pyramid, Temple of Artemis and the Statue of Zeus at Olympia are some of these famous works. These masters of architecture can often be referred to the seven wonders of the ancient world. Sadly, all but one of these ancient wonders have been lost to the times, the only wonder that still remains is the Great Pyramid of Giza. The topic of my essay is Ancient Egypt. During the course of this essay the basic details of who, what, when, where, how and why will be discussed.
Another purpose of the building is that it is the world’s tallest building and demonstrates a living wonder. The location of the building is a pride to the people of the Middle East because it is the tallest free-standing structure in the middles east. The stunning work of art is visible to the world and incomparable work of engineering that build the Burj Khalifa.