The Superiority of the Roman Army During Its Time

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The Superiority of the Roman Army During Its Time The Romans amassed one of the greatest empires of all time. They were

feared for their military supremecy. Two of the reasons that the

Romans were seen this way are the meticulous strategy and discipline

of the soldiers on the battlefield, and the second being the

proficient form of government that the Romans adapted and used

throughout their empire.

The Roman way of fighting can only be described as meticulous in its

form. As stated by many great minds, in the ancient world, form always

followed function. The Romans followed a 6 step process that

exploited all the benefits that their army had over the other armies,

all of which needed to be followed with absolute discipline or the

Roman army would never have gotten the reputation that it earned as

one of the worlds greatest military powers. The Romans were beaten in

battle when, “fellows were unable to keep their ranks and stand firm;

nor could they follow their appointed standards” (Caesar 28). It is

clear that the tactics that the Roman army was best suited for need to

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