Rothschild's Fiddle Sparknotes

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The story “Rothschild’s fiddle” takes place in a small village with the main characters named Jacob, a Russian coffin maker, Rothschild, a poor Jewish musician, and Martha the wife of Jacob. Jacob isn’t very fond of Jews specifically Rothschild. Besides being a coffin maker Jacob plays the fiddle in an orchestra for weddings but because of his hatred for Jews he later in the story becomes a backup player rather than a main performer. Jacob is a very complex character; he thinks everything is a loss; in fact Jacob begins to see his life as a handful of “losses.” Sundays and holidays when he cannot work represent losses; a wedding without music being played represents a loss; a rich man who happens to die and be buried out of town is another …show more content…

Later that night the wife cries out that she is going to die but gives off an impression that she looks forward to death because of her hard, loveless life from Jacob. Horrified, the coffin maker takes Martha to a hospital, where the medical assistant just shrugs her off as hopeless. Refusing Jacobs pleas leads Jacob to take his wife’s measurements and begin to work on a coffin. After she has died Jacob becomes ill and this leads Rothschild back to Jacob but instead of Jacob feeling hatred for Rothschild he begins feeling a sense of realization within himself and death brings Jacob to a point where he in fact calls Rothschild whom he hated “Brother”. Jacob plays his fiddle for Rothschild for the last time and his pain is so well felt from the fiddle that Rothschild and others who here it can’t help but weep. I feel like the moral of this story from what was shown is to tell yourself to give up accolades of the world and instead sink into the world itself therefore you will never be seeking for losses but seeking only for …show more content…

We began to talk and address how to deal with loss, as we began thinking about loss, some students came up with the idea of thinking about the good times of the individual instead of the bad witch may help somebody who experiences loss like Jacob did. We talked about how when one forgets, it is as though it never happened, and for Jacob he treated his life experiences as if his life had never happened. Corey talks about how he became content and how he was unhappy and wasteful for the duration of his life. As Melvin Josh the philosophy teacher spoke I began to take note that in are life we suffer, and foolishly we believe that there is an end to suffering by achieving something, doing something, or feeling something, but no matter what it never truly comes to an end. This is seen in Jacobs’s life where he goes through this revelation of questioning his life and the life he could have had witch may have brought him more money or how he could have treated his wife so much more greatly. Eventually his thoughts lead him to the truth by realizing Jacob is somewhat freed from the suffering, and that is where the true peace is found. My thought on this story was in my opinion a very good representation of what common human beings go thru when it pertains to losses meaning something in life

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