The theme is the overall message of the story. It provides more profound meaning and understanding. It adds depth to the words. In the story, The Stars Beneath Our Feet, author David Barclay Moore shows that change is hard for Lolly’s life, the main character. He has been having a changing family life, and the theme revolves around his changing family life. Lolly has made many changes throughout his family life. For example, and probably the biggest change in his life, is the death of his brother and he is having trouble with that, the book revolves around that. We can tell change is hard from the way Lolly is acting when he talks to Mr. Ali about his brother’s bed “It may be time to move out of his bed, Ali said. ‘I don't want that,’ I said, glaring at him. …show more content…
But Lolly has a lot on his plate, and he doesn't talk to anyone about it, which causes these anger spikes. This also shows that change is hard for Lolly. The last reason change is hard for Lolly has to do with Mr. Ali, and not wanting to open up to him. When Mr. Ali and Lolly first have the talks about life, Lolly is not wanting any of that, ignoring what Mr. Ali is saying, and Lolly doesn't like the fact that Mr. Ali is trying to get to know him and talking about a sensitive topic to Lolly-Jermaine. “He was always trying to get into everybody’s business” (Moore 41). Since Lolly is used to having no one to talk to, no dad to talk to anytime, and his parents are busy, Lolly is used to keeping it all in, not wanting any help. But sometimes we NEED to just spill everything out, especially when it comes to the loss of family members. Lolly does not like this change all of a sudden, and he most likely thinks he is being pressured into this, and since he is so used to not talking, he’s trying to hide it all. But he has so much on his plate that he can’t. So change is hard for Lolly when it comes to family members and talking about