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Importance of art history
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The recent restoration of the famous Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco by Michelangelo has raised many questions and controversy while creating quite a stir among artists, scholars and critics. The current controversy talks about opposition concerning cleaning of paintings and four decades of debate on the value of scientific restoration. To critics and scholars, a yellow glow, a patina of old varnish, represented a quality that gave a work status. To remove this varnish even with its added layer of soot collected over decades is thought to be defiling the art. One modern opponent of restoration, E.H. Gombrich, opposes cleaning unless it becomes so dark it can no longer be seen and appreciated. In the modern debate, it has been argued that the painters of that time chose their colors taking into account how they would age . They mostly ignored the aesthetic desires of their patrons. The idea is that time mellows and sweetens the work as well. The process of restoring something of this magnitude is a very precise science. There are chemical analysis sessions that are performed by conservators who are trained in chemistry, physics, and a range of other basic sciences. Discolored coatings are removed Layer by layer. The focus is always not to do anything that is irreversible. No matter how thoughtful the criticism is, and because the project is unlikely to be halted when it is half done, undermining the confidence of the conservators is rather unfortunate. This is what some critics are saying about this increasingly heated debate. A visit to this monumental work of art is gaining a new sense of urgency these days , because critics say that a big chunk of the ceiling is being destroyed every day. People are saying that the uncovering...
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...f purposeful respect and not personal desire. There is wisdom to be learned here not to tamper with greatness, and Michelangelo must be rolling over in his grave a bit to see the things that are going on. I am rambling a bit, but the point I think is to consider how the artist would want it to be treated as his legacy.
Works Cited
Muchnic, Suzanne. “CRYING IN THE CHAPEL Is the Cleaning of the Sistine Chapel a Glorious Restoration or a Monumental Sacrilege?” ProQuest Newsstand. 5 April 1987 Tribune Publishing Company. 31 May 2012 http://search.proquest.com.proxy.itt-tech.edu/newsstand/docprintview/292526362/Record/
Degregori, Thomas R. “The Sistine Chapel ceiling: Is restoration a good idea?” ProQuest Newsstand. 30 Nov. 1986 Houston Chronicle Publishing Company Division. 31 May 2012 http://search.proquest.com.proxy.itt-tech.edu/docview/295271493?accountid=27655
Sistine chapel choir consisted of 24male singers who sang in four parts which were a breakdown of the voice into soprano, alto, tenor, and bass.And other higher voice were heard sing by men in the falsetto which was consisted of six per part.the ideal according to the church music of catholic liturgical tradition was to have unaccompanied voice singing directly from heart of singer to the ear of GOD.
Thesis: Both St. John the Baptist Cathedral and Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Chartres are constructed in French Gothic style which means that architecturally they have many similarities. However, the 700 year gap between their construction offers St. John the Baptist more flexibility in design and style. Still, their likeness and variations extend far beyond the realm of their design.
...laced on the style and materials presented in the painting. While evaluating and comparing various paintings the author feels that at the beginning of the Renaissance era the skill level of the artist was often not acknowledged whereas materials were, but at the end of the era, skill level played a larger factor in who was chosen to complete the artwork. Therefore, fresco painting, which emerged near the end of the period, changed this so called “deposit”, along with the relationship of the artist and the patron, allowing for the talent and skill of the artist to shine.
The paintings by Duccio and Giotto firmly set in place a benchmark for where artwork in the years around 1300 began to develop. These artworks show how paintings began to evolve into more symbolic, naturalistic, and dramatic scenes, depicting events in life and religion. The paintings of Duccio and Giotto are similar in the sense that their paintings were then, in the sense of more modern words, “special effects” of their time. They show vivid colors with meaning and symbolism, atmospheric characters that exist in space, and composition that is well thought out. Overall, these two artists become a pinnacle of art that illustrates Italian paintings in the years around 1300.
After walking inside and trying to first experience, the church, and all its beauty and ornateness, I began examining the floor plan and elevations of the cathedral. Grace Cathedral was build in a gothic style, which it represents in its architecture inside and out. There were three huge rose windows. One at the very top of the main entrance and one on either end of the transept. There wer...
It is a known fact that artists paint how they feel or about how they view the world, modern famous artists paint about political or social problems facing our world today such as Kerry James Marshall who paints about his view towards modern day racism. Artists of the renaissance period used art to materialize their thoughts and ideas instead of voicing their opinions and thoughts, artist of the renaissance period preferred to display their thoughts on a canvas splattered with paint. One example of artists expressing their beliefs through a brush and paint is the famous painting by Michelangelo, which was painted on the celling of the Sistine chapel. In the book titled Art, Power, and Patronage in Renaissance Italy by John T. Paoletti and
The statue of David, completed by Michelangelo in 1504, is an easily recognizable symbol to people not only in Florence, but from all around the world. The David has a special meaning for Florentines, and is a symbol of what the city strives to be; strong, courageous, and youthful. The sculpture tells the tale of the battle between David and Goliath. David, a young boy at the time, was angered at the way Goliath was treating the Israelis and stood up to the giant feat of taking on Goliath. With a simple slingshot and stone, he defeated the angry giant, and became a symbol of liberty. The story shows that anything can be done with the help of God. David is not only the most well-known sculpture in the world, but is housed in one of the most visited galleries in the world, the Galleria dell’Accademia. The David did not always stand high above the crowds filing through the Accademia, however, several other locations were considered and carried out for the statue. The David has a long history of where it was to be placed in the city of Florence, and this paper is going to explore the several locations of where the David was going to be placed, and why it ended up in the Galleria dell’Accademia.
The narrator has shifted in style. Jesus is still at the center. His death remains the main focus, but now the topics of miracles act like loaded exclamation points to the subject of the crucifixion.1 The temple, the center of the Jewish universe, is split, the veil torn in two, the captives are set free. God has spoken.
The shift between the Middle Ages and Renaissance was documented in art for future generations. It is because of the changes in art during this time that art historians today understand the historical placement and the socio-economic, political, and religious changes of the time. Art is a visual interpretation of one’s beliefs and way of life; it is through the art from these periods that we today understand exactly what was taking place and why it was happening. These shifts did not happen overnight, but instead changed gradually though years and years of art, and it is through them that we have record of some of the most important changes of historic times.
Much of the art created during the Renaissance was geared toward religion, and with Michelangelo this was no exception. By th...
As the seventeenth century began the Catholic Church was having a hard time bringing back the people who were swept away by the protestant reformation. The conflict between the protestant had a big influence on art. (Baroque Art) The church decided to appeal to the human emotion and feeling. They did so by introducing a style called Baroque. Baroque was first developed in Rome and it was dedicated to furthering the aims of Counter Reformation. Baroque was first used in Italy than later spread to the north. In this paper I will argue that the Italian Baroque pieces were more detailed and captured the personality of the figure, in contrast and comparison to Northern Baroque pieces that aimed to produce a sense of excitement and to move viewers in an emotional sense leaving them in awe. I will prove this by talking about the different artwork and pieces of Italian Baroque art versus Northern Baroque Art.
St. Peters Basilica. (2009). Chapel of the Pieta. Retrieved April 15, 2011, from St. Peters
Additionally, the styles changed; from Rococo, which was meant to represent the aristocratic power and the “style that (…) and ignored the lower classes” (Cullen), to Neoclassicism, which had a special emphasis on the Roman civilization’s virtues, and also to Romanticism, which performs a celebration of the individual and of freedom. Obviously, also the subject matter that inspired the paintings has changed as wel...
The subject of art conservation and restoration has long been debated in the art world. Experts and historians have never agreed that all art must be salvaged at any cost. This paper will examine what art conservation and restoration is, what is involved in these endeavors, and what has been done over the centuries to many of history’s cherished art pieces.
When I was a child I used to be frightened of entering such a place for it seemed so imposing and somewhat dangerous, especially when music was being played. One day, in order to keep a promise I had made, I saw myself forced to enter. It took me quite a while to get the courage to pass through the old oak door, but the moment I stepped in, I realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architecture and exquisite frescoes reflect perfectly the unity between this earth and the unseen kingdom of angels in such a manner that one cannot say where one ends and the other begins. The way in which the church was built is also the vivid testimony of a medieval period. Although it is a place that can sometimes be cold and ask for respect it is where prayers are answered and magic is done. An overwhelming feeling of inner harmony takes over you once you enter and God seems much closer. Darkness and light are welded perfectly together creating Redemption’s house. The tower allows you to see the entire town from the smallest river to the biggest building site, offering you its mightiness.