The Sexy Lie Caroline Heldman Analysis

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Today, technology is everywhere exposing us to advertisements that sexually objectifies both men and women. The sexual objection of men and women is damaging to how people view themselves, it is also mentally and physically damaging, we see this in the short expository documentary, "The sexy lie", by: Caroline Heldman. Caroline Heldman claims that the industry today objectifies the human body as a sex object in movies, video games, music, etc. She uses an interesting title, a strong, grounded opinion and plenty of visuals to get through to her audience, such as the multitude of pictures of sexual objection in advertisements that she shows throughout the documentary. Her main focus is on the sexual objectification of women, however throughout her talk, she addresses the men in the audience about how …show more content…

We can do this by educating ourselves and others about what sexual objectification is, and how it is harmful to oneself. The definition of sexual objectification is, "sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of a sexual pleasure. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commoner or an object without regard to their personality or dignity"( In the documentary, "The sexy lie", by Caroline Heldman, she discusses how we can protect ourselves from sexual objectification in today's media saying, "Stop consuming damaging material, speak out against objectification, stop seeking attention for your body". I really liked her message in her short documentary, "The sexy lie", because the message does need to be sent out there to everyone who is consuming this form of media. There are some serious damaging effects and we need to be educated on this serious subject and how we can prevent ourselves from being

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